The dramatic situation the state of Rio de Janeiro goes trough can be seen in several windows. The first one shows the origin of the state treasury privatization problem and its takeover to Sérgio Cabral and his gang´s patrimony. The testimonies from “Lava-Jato” (Car Wash) investigations are only the juridical form to reveal what the demonstrations since 2013 already denounced in excess.
The second one, in immediate connection to the first, shows the public servants in queue to get the basic food supplies as if they were beggars. Workers that given their workforce for more than 20 or 30 years are reduced to the condition of indigence.
The third one, shows the demonstrations in front of the Legislative Assembly with the public servants earning the only concrete thing Pezão government can offer them: tear gas bombs and rubber bullet shots. All this to turn legal the robbery not only of the public servants but the fluminense people as a whole.
Windows to hell
In a panoramic view we can open the window that leads to health care, and we could see hospitals transferring the sick in the dead of night to close the attendance sector service operation. We could even see Gafrée and Guinle University Hospital on fire before the terrible preservation conditions.
Opening the education window, we have its description in the word of Egberto Moura, Post-Graduation sub-rector of Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ), denouncing the local press: “the outsourced companies doesn´t receive since august, and then they already threatens to interrupt the cleaning service, the waste recollection already stopped – the company announced it would stop – the university restaurant problem is that it cannot operate because it didn’t get any funds”. UERJ, once Rio de Janeiro pride and, even so, considered the 5th best Brazilian University, is idle, it delayed several times the beginning of classes for the second semester of 2016, all because of the lack of minimal operation conditions.
In response to the protests of civil servants in the face of wages payment delays and the demands of the population due to the lack of care in hospitals and the precariousness of other public services, Pezão wrote in the message sent to the Rio de Janeiro State Legislative Assembly (Alerj) that there only will be money to meet the state’s commitments to the servants and to the population if the agreement signed with Meirelles is entirely approved, which includes raising the social security contribution to 22% and selling the CEDAE (State water
and sewage company), which he considered an “Irreversible and irrevocable” obligation with Temer’s government.
Imposing this condition “or all or nothing,” Pezão strives to, with his blackmail, pass in Alerj a draft model elaborated by the vampires Temer and Meirelles to suck the blood of the population of the other states of the federation, almost all in penury condition in face of the recession imposed by the notorious fiscal adjustment policy.
The policies that Temer and Meirelles try to impose on the states are nothing more, nothing less than the extension to the whole country of policies drawn up since the Dilma / PT administration and foreseen in PSDB’s Aecio Neves electoral program, from which they were extracted.
We can not ignore the fact that being an imposition of its imperialist masters through the IMF and the World Bank, all these policies has as background the favoring of banks. It was not enough that the more than 900 billion reais transferred to banks in the form of interest payments in the last two years, the liberation of the FGTS (Guarantee Fund for Length of
Service), the privatization of public companies such as CEDAE as guarantee of loans that the states will make to the banks, the change in the legislations of social security and labor, etc. Has the same purpose of throwing water in the basin of the financial system.
On a more general level, the imperialist scheme executed by Temer-Meirelles, more than ever supporting the economy in primary production destined to exportation (commodity), franking the entire land for the so-called “agribusiness” and mining corporations, further pushing the rural masses to the chaotic cities, raising unemployment of the labor force and extinguishing labor and social security rights aims, in a second moment, to lower the value of the wages and increase the rate of labor exploitation in favor of the monopolies. In track of such policies, as has already occurred, we will have the collapse of small and medium-sized companies, denationalization and de-industrialization, giving more and more space to the favoring and even greater domination of transnational capital.
Using the corrupt and servile parliament, and under the eyes of a tolerant judiciary, Temer administration, while seeking to mediate the dispute between the various power groups, favoring the upper ones, is striding towards a major confrontation with the majority of the Brazilian people. In an attempt to approve these policies Temer will stir up even more the revolt of the people.
The countryside and the streets will be the stage of this battle.