Communism Parties support german maoists and expose ILPS hegemonies

Communism Parties support german maoists and expose ILPS hegemonies

The International Communist Movement rejects the agression to German maoists

Several maoist parties and organizations of the International Communist Movement (ICM) have expressed themselves, for the last two months, repudiating the aggression endured by German revolutionary militants and activists. The aggression was carried out cowardly by a group of opportunists denominated Jugendwiderstand (JW – “Youth resistance”) during the celebration of the Proletarian Internationalism Day, on May 1st , in Berlim.


The aggression was a coward and sudden action. The JW people have walked into the back of the demonstration, together with the policemen and attacked the demonstrators. “Before th fellowmates could react, they escaped, hiding among the police”, affirmed the Red Flag Committee (RFC) pronouncing about it right after the aggression. It was a planned action trying to intimidate the militants of the revolutionary movement that has been emerging very fast in Germany and within which the struggle for the reconstitution of the Communist Party in Germany has been occuring.

According to the note, it was not the first time such a thing has happened. During a brigade for selling the newspaper Red Courier ( a publication of the revolutionaries aimed at the proletarian German masses), before this attack, in Berlin, two of the same activists had been menaced by three of the JW. In the same note, the RFC affirms that, at the occasion, they were infuriated just because the revolutionary militants had sold 5 copies of the newspaper in less than 5 minutes.

Since the maoists started to advance their work with the youth and other masses in Berlin, a city where those persons actuate, the aggressions and threatens have been recurrent. The JW group operate with methodos and logics similar to gangs trying to prevent the maoists to work in areas where they move around.

Despite the divergences they have with RFC, JW has never had a communist stance to try an ideological-political struggle through discussions and arguments. “ Such a group of rats that has always escaped of an open ideological and political struggle, that has never formulated any critical document on our positions, started to attack phisically our fellowmates through the mobiliztion of lumpen proletariat troops”, explained the RFC in the same note.

Even with this desperate aggression, the German maoists stressed that they will keep on working under the difficult conditions of police persecution ( referring to the witches’ hunting unleashed by reppression after the battle against G-20, in July last year, in Hamburg, where the German maoists participated actively). The attack of the JW gang will not scare them, the report affirms. “Come what may, what happens to our body does not intimidate us as long as we understand that our being is not the centre of the universe.Our aim is more sincere and maybe even simpler: we just want to serve the people”.  

Divergences and practice of gangsterism

The JW, which has conformed itself after breaking with RFC and capitulating the struggle for the reconstitution of the Communist Party of Germany, has centred its attacks against the maoists accusing them with the same criteria of the reaction and petty-bourgeois conceptions hostile to marxism. The maoist magazine Class Position (Germany), on a article named Putting out a fire with gasoline or how to dig their own political grave has unmasked such anti-communist positions.

The members of JW have accused the maoists of being “tyrants” and gone down to the lowest individualistic petty-bourgeois spirit qualifying the discipline and subjection to the collective, that rule the democratic centralism, as “servant attitude”. Furthermore, they capitulate the struggle for reconstituting the Communist Party of their country, labelling it as an “elitist”, “fanatical” practice and a “sect”. According to the magazine, the rightist liquidationism of the group goes beyond since it expresses a reactionary German nationalism, anti-semitism (hatred to the Jewish people), besides sowing confusion and ideological eclectisism.

However, the maoist remind that these persons have never either taken frank positions on the divergences or searched honestly to carry on the ideological struggle so that they could arrive to a unity and mutual understanding. On the contrary, they have always fomented divisions and cisions, the formation of small groups, intrigues in Internet and some other petty-bourgeois practices.

According to RFC analysis, the contradiction between proletariat and bourgeoisie and between marxism and revisionism in Germany is definitely acute and, as the reconstitution of the Party advances, such a combat aggravates. “ We, the ones who continue Karl Marx’s work, do not submit ourselves. We have always insisted that the party of the proletariat has to be a combat machine; it has to be a merciless classes’ war machine. The communists in this country have to follow this road since the beginning, and it is not an easy way, it is not an agreable way for those who want to live miserably in this system, those who want to live in such a ruinous, dying and parasitic system. It is not for those who want to live as always, those who want confort. With this in mind, it comes up necessarily a resistance to this road. That is when appears the right-wing liquidationism”.

Internationalist solidarity

The Red Fraction of the Communist Party of Chile was one of the first maoist organizations to have a position with RFC. “We took a position, comrades, because of your resolute and tenacious death struggle against right-wing  liquidationism”, they have affirmed in a note. The Chilean maoists state they have a “deep class hatred for the sinister attack carried out by the right-wing liquidationism”. But they assert that it is necessary “to compliment our Berlin’s fellowmates for doing the needed work, for fulfiling their tasks within the deep masses”, despite the JW attack that tried to intimidate them.

The Communist Party of Ecuador – Red Sun emphasised that “the coward and odious aggression from those infamous persons” demonstrate that the RFC maoists are “upholding, applying and defending the correct ideological line” and, thus, it is necessary “a response” so that the “class enemy knows we are not peaceful and fainhearted lambs, we will not turn of the other cheek”.

The Equatorian maoists have also mentioned that the RFC work demonstrates it is possible “ to forge communists of new breed in the womb of imperialism” aiming at unleashing the people’s war.

The Maoist Organization for the Reconstitution of the Communist Party of Colombia has affirmed that the maoists, moving forward to fight for reconstituting their Party, will naturally confront the class enemies.” We can see that the attacks they received [the RFC] from the reaction, from the revisionists and, in particular, from the right-wing liquidationists show that they have reached remarkable success in their work”.

The People’s Movement of Peru (Reorganization Committee) reaffirmed the salute to the political event in the international celebration for Marx’s 200 years held in Bremen and that the RFC has demonstrated advances in the struggle for reconstituting the Communist Party. The Peruvians have condemned the attack uneleashed by “the little opportunist and liquidationist gang”, referring to the JW. “Those persons have taken on the role of lackeys of reaction, revisionism and opportunism, desperate for the maoists’ progresses, attacking them in full proletarian march”

An they have concluded “ “We condemn, repel and mark with fire such persons that have perpetrated this repression action against revolution as well as the sinister forces of the reaction and revisionism that lie behind”.

The Communist Party of Brasil (Red Fraction) has declared publicly: “ We condemn, reject and  overwhelm such atittudes”. The PCB(FV) has mentioned that this coward attack is part of the acute contradictions in the class struggle and the real communists and revolutionaries are compelled to take positions against them. They have added that such a fact is of a great importance for the ICM since those offenders are being incited by some kind of right-wing forces inside ICM.

It has been for a while that some right-wing and recalcitrant people have taken advantage of the appearing of such tendencies and seek in an opportunist manner to take JW as the ‘true maoist organization in Germany’.This generous and short-sighted sponsorship does not follow any validation of the proletarian principles but is in accordance to the mere political convenience for serving this sort of grouping as a spearhead for opposing itself to the progress of the ICM, united under the old revisionism cluck of accusing the left-wing of ‘dogmatism’ “, pointed out the Brazilian maoists. And they proceed: “ JW, looking for advertising and protagonism, have accepted the miserable role of pawn and have been thrown in the ‘lion’s den’ by their supporters while the real responsible for the incident in Berlin keep a complicit silence”.

The ICM right-wing and the hegemonies

The PCB(FV) affirms as well that “before the maoists participants’ march for the reunification of the communists worldly, some recalcitrants based on their will for hegemonies have started opposing to this march, doing everything to stop it. Those who reject the frank and active ideological struggle and refuse to work  collectively with the one they disagree with, as vulgar liberals, advocate the cision, preach the unity without principles to impose their points-of-view, practice and advocate the harmful hegemonies”. And they stress: “Such seems to be the attitude of ILPS leadership (International League for the Peoples’ Struggle), before the communist movement in Germany and the International Communist Movement. ILPS comes over with double standards on what happens in Germany”.

The Brazilian maoists have mentioned that the leadership of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines and  ILPS began to caluniate the German revolutionaries and “to paint with the most beautiful colors” the liquidationists. The PCB(FV) reminds that after several people’s and democratic organizations have broken with ILPS because of having their divergences suffocated by their leadership, they started to sponsor politically, in Brasil, a small youth group named Communist Reconstruction Union – “an eclectic organization with no link to the masses – that “ creates contention over our Party within the young people”.

And they remind: “ The ILPS leadership urged to promote that group as the most representative revolutionary organization of Brasil. Talking in internet (skype) with this group leaders, ILPS attacked the democratic organizations of Brasil, affirming they had been secluded “ for beinf sectarian and ultra-left-wing organizations”, the Party denounces: ”And willing to outrage them [ILPS leadership]did not stop and, referring to Cebraspo (Brazilian Centre for Solidarity to the Peoples) insinuate in a police manner that the problem with Cebraspo is the party behind it”, pretending that the PCB(FV) would be behind it. Afterward it has suggested to his new pupils that it was necessary to work together with PT, PcdoB and MST “.

On the accusations of “ultra- left-wing” and “dogmatic” – the ICM has always been labelled as that – the Brazilian maoists remind that indeed such accusations are not rare and that “ on the contrary, they are frequent words when the revolutionary movement has defeats, crosses periods of hard difficulties and when the revolutionary situation has more development. That is why the use of those words is nothing new to ICM. What the historical experience comproves is that they have never been been used against people like Bernstein and Kautsky, Trotsky, Kruschev, Liu Shao-chi and Teng Siao-ping but against Lenin, Stalin, Chairman Mao Tsetung, Chiang Ching and Chairman Gonzalo”.

And they keep arguing: “This turn-around of the parties, as Lenin observes, more than ‘orthodox’, has been followed by a tendency to revisionism. Let us remind what the infamous Prachanda said when the People’s War in Nepal started:’I hate revisionism’, but when his villanous treason had been foreshadowed, with the notorious “peace agreement’, he started to preach that the main danger for ICM and the proletarian revolution was ‘dogmatism’.”

According to the Party, the hegemonies of the ILPS leadership must be exposed and combatted so that one can advance towards the Unified International Maoist Conference and to comply with a New International Organization for the proletariat – the embryo of the Communist International.

By commenting the statement of PCB(FV), in an article in the blog Dazibao Rojo,  the Galician communist, Miguel Alonso has affirmed that “ the existence of different stances and discrepancies is not a problem but the contradictions within the people to transform them in antagonist ones through the sneaky and divided work propelled by ILPS” , qualifying its methods as “ schemes and disqualifications without either an authentic debate or a scientific criticism”.

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