Editorial – A government of traitors of the fatherland and against the workers

Editorial – A government of traitors of the fatherland and against the workers

Jair Bolsonaro has made his election campaign repeating the catchphrase of being “against everything that is around”. A fisherman of troubled waters, he has responded to the masses insatisfaction who did not believe in obtaining the PT management effective changes to end up with unemployment and provide dignified conditions to the areas of education, health and safety.

After being stabbed, he left the political platform and went to the social networks, proclaiming himself as the one sent by God who “had just saved his life”. With the support of the “ Almighty” from heaven and the “almighty” from the Earth ( the Capital Market), Bolsonaro was adopted by the high command of the reactionary Armed Forces that has  launched a preventive plan of a military coup to the inevitable mass rebellion as people are tired of so much mismanagement, injustice and rotteness.

As usual, elected president, he has delivered to the Market the driving of the political economy, this time to the hands of a speculator adventurer, a reported bloodhound of the Yankee imperialism. It was so great Paulo Guedes’s submissive eagerness that  in a ten days’ management the first disagreement with Bolsonaro’s demagogic and pseudo-nationalist responses has come up: Embraer’s question.

The conformation of a government tutored by the high command of the Armed Forces to push to extremes the  national subjugation, far from being a panacea, will only aggravate the deepest crisis of the bureaucratic capitalism, basis of the whole political and moral crisis for which Brasil has been dragged. The centralization of the economic political economy in the hands of the market lumpen proletariat scares the enlighted right-wing who deals with the media monopoly. With the superpowers given to the Yankee agent and Lava Jato’s sheriff (Moro), the moralizing cruzade which has worsened the crisis within the ruling classes will deepen the poverty and misery for the workers and the most cruel reppression with this police-controlled regime.

Just like Bolsonaro has done on his first day as a president, lowering the value of the minimum wage, some other measures have been triggered aiming at escalating the labour-force exploitation and the worsening of the social assistance, education and health systems, besides the largest militarisation of the people’s housing places. All of this, with the consequent increase of repression and genocide of the underprivileged people, giving free rein to the bloodythirsty practices and instincts in which the Armed Forces have been trained in Haiti.

By stating that the ideological question is the principal in relation to corruption ( understanding the ideological question as “gender”, “politically correct” and “cultural marxism” matters) besides the defence of the homeland not being available for the Yankee military base, Bolsonaro has used everything as a smoke screen to cover up the continuing of the bargaining policies and to forge an ideological excuse to his green-yellow traitor project.

As the opinion surveys have showed, the Brazilian people repudiate such an ominous, shameless and servant approach to USA that has laid the cards on the table and irritated the Armed Forces.Not only those who loathe such a thing but those who, in high commands, take part in those negotiations of betraying the country and dissimulate themselves trying to shape the public opinion for carrying out the crime.

Giving priority to the building of prisons instead of investing in job creation – 27 million Brazilian are unemployed –  Bolsonaro and Moro focus on the repressive policies as consequences of a semicolonial and semifeudal society, leaving for the people the drama that has become the Public Safety. The severity of the crisis, goes, however, way beyond  the fiscal crisis of the old State, used in a timely manner to speed up the “Social Welfare Reform”, that is, the destruction of the Social Welfare so that a private system can be imposed intrusting the management to the banks.

The local ruling classes – great bourgeois and landlords – and the imperialists, mostly Yankees, know that they cannot maintain their domination anymore without a new restructuring of their old State either in the constitutional moulds of absolutist centralization of the Executive power or in the models of an open fascism. For this they will have to, sooner or later, show what they really are.  The Gordian knot of the national tragedy is in the agrarian-peasant question ( rupture or maintenance of the landownership system of the land ) and national ( maintenance of the national subjugation or nationalization of the banking, industry, transportation, foreign trade, national production, research work and technological development systems, in self-centered and self-supported ways).

The national political experience of the successive ruling governments from different parties have resulted in failures and frustation for the people’s masses in their more intimate expectations. Such a thing has taken increasingly large contingents of persons to realize that only the end of this system of exploitation and oppression will be able to satisfy their basic, material and spiritual needs and the ones of a free and fair Nation. The electioneering and messianic deceits can only postpone its necessary end. However, therewith, it only dams, fosters and enhances the rebellion.

The serious problems of our country, therefore, have deep roots, being the democratic and national question one the most hindered in our history, pending solution. The demand for this remedy has increased and the accumulation of energy to convert it in facts is enormous. Only the democratic revolution, deep and radical, can accomplish it. Such a situation is independent on the will of anyone. That is why the imperialism, mostly Yankee and its colony lackeys, especially its gendarmes from the high commands of the Armed Forces who worship the sick anti-communism, tremble before the simple idea of revolution. That is why they need to demonize it to exhaustion.

The political crisis has not finished yet ( those who talk about “national unity” are mistaken); it has only changed its quality. The emergence of Bolsonaro’s government has brought to the centre of the crisis the last bastion of support frame of this obsolete, free-decaying system of exploitation and oppression: the Armed Forces, throughout its high commands. The inevitable failure of the present government and the gestation-stage regime will be of those who ultimately are the responsible for the Brazilian tragedy, quite contrary to what they have been preaching to the four winds. Everything that is rotten around results from the lack of a triumphant democratic revolution, whose endeavours along our history have been defeated by this gendarmerie through the sword, fire and blood.

Moreover, the contradictions of the present regime in conformation are not a few and not so small ones. The compradora fraction of the great-bourgeoisie dominates with Paulo Guedes, however the bureaucratic fraction has in the “nationalist” generals its spokespeople for the government direction. Bolsonaro chatters between both of them. To what extent and how long Bolsonaro, who has been governing with only diatribes, will be valuable for the ongoing counter-revolutionary plan of those who have palmed his government to carry it out?

The struggle, gentlemen, goes on and in a new level!

Ao longo das últimas duas décadas, o jornal A Nova Democracia tem se sustentado nos leitores operários, camponeses, estudantes e na intelectualidade progressista. Assim tem mantido inalterada sua linha editorial radicalmente antagônica à imprensa reacionária e vendida aos interesses das classes dominantes e do imperialismo.
Agora, mais do que nunca, AND precisa do seu apoio. Assine o nosso Catarse, de acordo com sua possibilidade, e receba em troca recompensas e vantagens exclusivas.

Quero apoiar mensalmente!

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