Editorial – General strike for nacional resistance

Editorial – General strike for nacional resistance

The promise to change “everything that is around” proclaimed with stridency during the electoral campaign, deceiving tens of million voters, as a change for the better, in less than three months has been conformed as a change for the worse.

Bolsonaro’s preaching against the ‘something for something’ has been proved as a negligible bravado, showing that only in such a rotten base the agonizing and corrupt political system of this decaying landowner-bureaucratic State  can operate.

On the other hand, in conversation between the dismissed Bebianno with the Republic President, Bolsonaro has displayed the occurrence of the “Generals’ Wednesday ”, which not everybody participate in, that is, a secret military government meeting with the High Command of the Armed Forces who calls the shots since the High Comand has “outflanked” Bolsonaro so that they could institutionalise his counter-revolutionary preventive coup, unleashed right before the elections.

The secret military government is quite evident since it has in key personnels of the State operation the concentration of generals aligned to the High Command, generals who are present in the Planalto ( the so-called Haiti group) and the more sensitive areas of the class contradiction, like peasants and landlords (Incra). In the meantime, in other ranks, there are the most remarkable reactionaries, as for instance, in the Economy, a “Chicago boy” (Paulo Guedes); in the Ministery of Justice, an extra FBI agent (Sérgio Moro); in the Ministry of Education, a fundamentalist religious person (Ricardo Veres); and in the Foreign Affairs a boot-licking Americophilian one, making clear that the nature of the tutored government by the High Command of the reactionary Armed Forces is landownership oriented, against the workers, obscurantist and traitor.

By means of the preventive counter-revolutionary offensive, their ‘mission’ is to restructure the State, adjusting their government political system at best to an absolutist presidential system to save and propel this bureaucratic simulacrum of capitalism, submiss to imperialism, mostly Yankee, and conjure the danger for the Revolution.

When Paulo Guedes and Sérgio Moro were appointed as two ‘super ministers’, the domain of landownership with the distribution of the land management among the vultures of the agro-business was enlarged, guaranteeing to legalize the squatting of the indigenous lands, quilombolas, and the rest of the million hectares of the country’s land mass. For this purpose, besides delaying the payment of Ibama’s debts of fines and wide open agricultural loan book subsidized to the landlords, nothing better than to liberalize the activities carried out by military groups operating for the landownership agression. It was promised to the international and Brazilian banking system to privatize the public banks besides increasing the guarantees against the default through the positive registration. As an immediate proof to the ones they serve, it was given the “Social Welfare Reform” to the leeches and parasites of the Nation, bankers and other foreign and local corporations, so that, with one blow, to draw from the workers R$1 trillion per year and deliver it away to the bandits for nothing.

And, even before such a huge announced crime, we still have to hear from the damaging media monopolies ( as for instance , Estadão editorial, March 19th ,2019) that the present president does not have either a programme or even any government plan when we know everything has been planned previously. As in a pseudo-liberal stance of those who oppose to extremes, they prevaricate about a nostalgic and comfortable centre that the gravity of the crisis will not allow anymore – they pretend to be another the reality concealing the ongoing military coup which is becoming institutionalized. Fainthearted ones, they ommit  to denounce the secret military government – the one who really rules the country – preferring to occupy themselves with the display of bluster of a president  – either  diversionists or to mark his backward stances – with the intention to form a public opinion, in the military’s environment and among the population’, aiming at the pro-Yankee fascist military dictatorship. As it has been crystal clear with his statements and  crawling behaviour during the official visit to USA.

Nevertheless, in order to accomplish this plan – that the reaction knows very well and by heart – they will have to face the people’s protests and rebellion. And it is not any other the reason of their preventive counter-revolutionary offensive. It was by taking advantage of the reform of the trade union legislation, to weaken the workers’ resistance, counting on the situation of the weakening of the  unions generated by the collaboration of Lula’s goons – that Bolsonaro hurried to edit the provisional measure 873, so that he could better attack them, making difficult for the workers, partners and non-partners to contribute to their trade unions.

The economists,  dutiful poodles of the imperialist schools, and the monopoly media yell at all times with the chantage that the “reform”, walking at short steps, represents the only measure able to get rid of the a deeper crisis. Namely, to save the rich people it is necessary to exploit the workers. It is not enough to hand over the pre-salt and the mineral reserves, the airports,, universities, etc; they have to carry out a complete policy of  devastated land to the people and to what still remains of national sovereignty. And for that it is urgent to restrict the scarce liberties for organization and manifestation and there will be more criminalization and more repression to the masses’ struggle.

The rich people government, that deepens itself as a preventive counter-revolutionary offensive, has only create an objective situation to which the workers of all categories can only respond with their unity around a General National Resistance Strike that can quickily move away any manoeuvre for negotiating the loss of workers’ rights and focus on its mobilization and preparation in defence of their supressed and menaced rights.

The watchword for the more combative sectors of the trade union and working movement, including the poor and middle peasant movement, is decisive for drawing the masses that, for decades, have been trapped in a militant paralysis by the trade union aristocracy leadership, as a result of palatial agreements.

We talk about National Resistance to alert the Brazilian people that, besides their trampled rights, the Nation is in a two-step process to be  more severely violated. Due to the installation of the military Yankee base in our territory, or becoming involved in the coward adventure against the Venezuelan people and nation. Those are machinations that have been created by the same Yankee imperialism in its eagerness to put out the fire that threatens to spread over their backyard, and on its fight to maintain their condition as a sole hegemonic superpower, when the signs of a new and larger crisis are rampant.

It is important to emphasise and remember that when the truckdrivers’ strike happened last year a great unity was formed around the movement in which the proletariat, peasantry, youth and people in general – although suffering the consequences of the movement – rendered them a tremendous demonstration of proletarian solidarity.

The crisis that has been dragging down Brasil for five years with the electoral farce has deepened, bringing to its centre the military leadership with its counter-revolutionary coup. They are not able to present any solution to any national and people’s problem. The only way out for the Brazilian people and Brasil is to conquer a new democracy through Revolution.

Ao longo das últimas duas décadas, o jornal A Nova Democracia tem se sustentado nos leitores operários, camponeses, estudantes e na intelectualidade progressista. Assim tem mantido inalterada sua linha editorial radicalmente antagônica à imprensa reacionária e vendida aos interesses das classes dominantes e do imperialismo.
Agora, mais do que nunca, AND precisa do seu apoio. Assine o nosso Catarse, de acordo com sua possibilidade, e receba em troca recompensas e vantagens exclusivas.

Quero apoiar mensalmente!

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