Editorial – Military intervention and coup d’état

Editorial – Military intervention and coup d’état

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The federal decree for military intervention in Rio de Janeiro – comprehending all the security sphere including civil police, firemen and prison system – has been a step more towards the military counterrevolutionary coup d’état, preventive to an inevitable and future people’s insurgency that has been tormenting Washington-Brasilia axis. It is a rehearsal for the preparation of the national and international public opinion related to this.

A gangster playing the role of a president and his defence minister like two puppets, surrounded by two generals, have announced the military intervention under a scenary of generalized crisis. The supremacy of the demoralized manager has clearly expressed the total collapse of the political system of a State in a complete disintegration. The Army Forces of a country are the medulla of the State, the real power and, therefore, the last instance to guarantee the                                                                             law and order imposed by the ruling classes – in case of Brasil, the great bourgeoisie and landlords, imperialist servants, mostly of the Yankees – as historical maintainers of national subjugation.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Rio de Janeiro is the inside and outside display window of Brasil, the headquarters of Rede Globo, hegemonic in the monopoly of the means of communication, that has the last word when it concerns the State public policies and defence of the “market” and imperialism interests.

Since the beginning of “Lava Jato” operation we have affirmed the action of a “hidden hand” manipulating the anti-corruption campaign with the immediate aim to clean up the façade of the main State institutions – demoralized and worn down in the public opinion –  for saving its system from the people’s repulsion as the growing electoral abstention ( besides the blank and null votes ) transforming itself in an open subversion. Such a thing has been operated by the Public and Judiciary Ministry secretely centralized by a determined section of the High Command of the Army Forces and instilled by the Yankee Embassy, counting on Rede Globo support. 

The high command of the Army has appealed to the military intervention after the emptying of Lava Jato operation which waves of delations have included the three Republic powers and the acronomy of the One Party, with the operation “for saving Temer’s government”, necessary to the aplication of the anti-people and imperialism oriented ‘reforms’, has led to the impunity of the mafia groups of the official politics.

Everything has been well planned and thought. After the failure, in Rio de Janeiro, of the operation together with the Military Police for the maintenance of “Law and Order”, the next step would be the direct intervention into the state, centralizing the command in the hands of the Army Forces. It has been a similar machination to the ones applied to the privatization when the enterprises, supposedly  ‘victims’, are ruined so that they can be privatized.    

By ‘coincidence’, the police has disappeared from the south area of Rio de Janeiro in the first days of Carnival, making possible an increase of deliquency by the beach, striking native people and foreigners. Such incidents – three or four – have been exposed repeatedly by the whole monopoly media since Saturday up to the day of the intervention being decreeted.

Obviously, it has not ben Globo denouncement on the Carnival violence that has determined the militarily intervention. The failure of the old State authority in Rio de Janeiro is a clear reality. Globo has only created an atmosphere in the public opinion for receiving as inevitable and gladly the intervention.

The militarily intervention will indeed provoke huge disturbances over the population, mostly in the slums but not only. The decreee authorizes the indiscriminate invasion of all houses in the ‘conflicted area’ permitting the militaries to arrest, torture and kill, impunity guaranteed. And to make people’s suffering more serious, Meirelles has proposed to carry out resources from other places for strenghtening repression.

Such is the price people have to pay for guaranteeing ‘law and order’ stablished by a bureaucratic and genocide State, clearly decayed, deepened into a failure crisis of its political system, general crisis of a capitalist bureaucratic economy and social and moral crisis.  A crisis that has reached all institutions of the old State, dragging its last reserve, the reactionary Army Forces, formed and cultivated into the most poisonous anti-communism. This event shows the domination crisis in which the political national situation has been plunged.

This is one more impulse towards civil reactionary war the old State has launched for years against the people will produce more and more attacks from the Army Forces, resulting more struggles and the raise of people’s protests and the climbing of violence amidst an acute social crisis. And contrary to the results that propagate the heralds of the intervention, it could lead the people’s wrath, more than ever, to raise very high the word order to Combat and Resist!

The unavoidable deepening of genocide against people and following involvement of the Army Forces with the traffic and weapon dealers will certainly bring to the surface the hidden reality of the corruption which spreads in the high ranks and will take it to its demoralization, the prediction of the complete ruin of the old State. That will be proved earlier than what the falcons of the decrepit exploitation system for the people’s oppression could think, as well as its shif managers like Temer and his gang when fighting  for profitting from the electoral intervention.

To the opportunists, as a part of the process, in the pathetic stance of boasting and flattering the reactionary Army Forces, accusing Temer to use them for election purposes, remains to obey, provoking their sluggish protest speech.

This situation is nothing more than the begginning of the pains for the birth of a new reality, a new social-economic system and a regime that will come from the New Democracy Revolution, Agrarian and Anti-imperialist, as the only solution for the redemption of the Brazilians and the liberation of the nation for the building of a new Brasil.

Ao longo das últimas duas décadas, o jornal A Nova Democracia tem se sustentado nos leitores operários, camponeses, estudantes e na intelectualidade progressista. Assim tem mantido inalterada sua linha editorial radicalmente antagônica à imprensa reacionária e vendida aos interesses das classes dominantes e do imperialismo.
Agora, mais do que nunca, AND precisa do seu apoio. Assine o nosso Catarse, de acordo com sua possibilidade, e receba em troca recompensas e vantagens exclusivas.

Quero apoiar mensalmente!

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