Editorial – Temer intends to sink Brazil in mud and dejection 

Editorial – Temer intends to sink Brazil in mud and dejection 

During a meeting on January 7th, at the house of  the TV SBT Group owner, Silvio Santos, president Temer and Moreira Franco made a ‘deal’ for his participation in a programme in order to present a bunch of lies on the changes he intended to perform in the legislation of the social welfare.

By entering in the homes of the Brazilian families and repeating the nonsenses, already deeply demoralized  by unions of the revenue officers and respected and serious teachers, have been more disrespects fulfilled  by the gang that has taken possession of the management of the rotten Brazilian State.

Were not enough the clear swindle that has been damaging the State treasury, with the consent of all the rotten powers of this banana republic, chasing for more than thirty votes, the scoundrel intends to leave Brasília under such a putrefied condition that nobody would  be able to breath there anymore.

Besides, what can one expects of the ‘parliamentary resistance’ with an ‘opposition’ equally electoral composed by opportunists? They are nothing but profitteers of the people’s interests, deviating their struggles and placing them far away from their goals. And one can add to it that they have their dirty buttocks on the lawsuits on the frauds done by the prime of the national politicians!

The whole nation, goggle-eyed, watches everything and gets ready for the big hunting. Those rascals of the ruling classes and imperialism cannot believe they will escape sound and safe. They will pay twice more, in a way or another, for their villainy against the people and the motherland. 

In the countryside, poor peasants, Indian people and quilombolas are painting themselves for the war which will give an answer to this moral insanity which, for dilapidating the public estate, begins a criminal war against the people. In the cities any sparkle can create flames, either the raising of the bus fare, a flood, or the murder of a slum dweller. Everytime more a demand will lead towards the struggle for Power.

It falls to the revolutionaries, to the honest citizens and young people to increase a real resistance by taking to the masses the need to organize themselves for the huge battle coming near. To propagate the urge of the Democratic Revolution and elimminate any shadow of illusion concerning the vicious and trickster electoral procedure, dirty money-oriented. To repel the voting beggars, since they are the same who present themselves, every two years, under new masks, pouring promises over the people and them disappearing in their hiding-places to count the vile money of corruption.

Only the Revolution may wash away Brasil of the mud and dejection that Temer and his gang leave around and those who want again to take over the old State.

Ao longo das últimas duas décadas, o jornal A Nova Democracia tem se sustentado nos leitores operários, camponeses, estudantes e na intelectualidade progressista. Assim tem mantido inalterada sua linha editorial radicalmente antagônica à imprensa reacionária e vendida aos interesses das classes dominantes e do imperialismo.
Agora, mais do que nunca, AND precisa do seu apoio. Assine o nosso Catarse, de acordo com sua possibilidade, e receba em troca recompensas e vantagens exclusivas.

Quero apoiar mensalmente!

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