Editorial – The coup of the enlarged military intervention

Editorial – The coup of the enlarged military intervention

Twenty days after the federal decree for the military intervention in Rio de Janeiro many people are still questionning  its real plan and objectives. Different from the long-tongued politicians, as the federal deputy Carlos Marun/PMDB or public agents as Fernando Segóvia, the militaries have been working the military intervention silently which will continue being enlarged till the circumstances and conditions have been considered convenient for accomplishing the complete coup d’État.

As an essential State force, the Army follows the functioning of the institutions and watches over its stability in accordance with a determined order established by the ruling classes; in case of a semicolony, within the configurations fixed by the policies of national subjugation to imperialism.

Those who affirm that the military intervention in Rio de Janeiro has been either Temer’s shot or a last time effort for replacing the defeat for not having the Social Security counter-reform approved are absolutely wrong. To spread it out is to launch a smoke screen over the country’s reality as well as a petty politics of electioneering contestants.

With the advanced stage of desintegration of the old Brazilian State of great bourgeois and landlords at the service of imperialism, mostly Yankee, a stage expressed in the rottenness in its institutions aggravated by the fact that its management has fallen into the hands of a professional gang from the old oligarchy politics, the Army – as its medulla and guardian of the old exploitation and oppression system – has gone to the salvation action.

Temer has taken over the State management under conditions settled by the Army, led by the Yankees, through the State Department and Embassy in Brasilia. The militaries’ guardianship has shown itself  by re-establishing the Institutional Safety Office under the control of the Brazilian Agency for Intelligence (Abin), the former in the hands of General Sergio Etchegoyen and the economy under the traitor Henrique Meirelles.

A well-known slogan of Temer’s management, “Order and Progress”, that pleases the militaries, shows his mission’s objectives: to retrieve the transnationals GNP and financial system profiteers as well as guarantee the internal order for people’s exploitation and the Nation subjugation.

Before the insolvency of the political system, whose legitimacy has been doubtful, mostly as its political parties, and the complete discredit in the presence of the people in any channel of the institutions of the old order ( adding up the social picture collapse led by the  large rate of unemployment) it would only be permitted to the weak government to use the Army as the last card. However, not as Temer’s decision but  as an imposition of the generals and the imperialist boss.

It has been crystal clear that the military intervention in Rio de Janeiro has happened as the carrying on of a civil war against the poor people, following the orders and plans of the General Staff, the militaries taking over everytime larger powers and trying to make an asepsia in the institutions to create a new façade in the “Old Democratic State”, aiming to recover the lost credibility and legitimacy.

 The failure of the “Lava Jato Operation” which put aside most of the national politicians – including Temer’s gang – and after using the operation for approving anti-people’s ‘reforms’, has now gone to B plan with the militaries taking over more and more the power centralization. Rio de Janeiro will operate as a laboratory for a larger centralized intervention by the Defence Ministery, now under the command of a general.

The statements of General Mourão – now at the reserve – summoning the people for a complete intervention has not been refuted by the High Command of the Armed Forces. On the contray, the general has been effusively saluted by the Army commander, Vilas Boas Correia. According to Folha de São Paulo newspaper, Morão has given an explanation on the military presence: “ It is very simple. The Army is not apolitical, it has to be political. It has to exercise politics within  its limits although being nonpartisan. Because the Army does not serve the government, it serves the State and the Nation”.

As politics is the concentrated expression of economy it is much clearer which order and interests the Army is at the service of. We cannot exclude from these events the Yankee Embassy acting with the Armed Forces as it was evident in the military intervention that occurred on April 1st , 1964.

The accomplishment of elections will clearly show its buffoon character; the masses have grasped it repudiating the elections through strong abstention, with blank and spoiled ballots.

Nothing linked to the past experiences either of the old oligarchy policies or the military interventions at their service will solve the enormous problems from the semicolonial and semifeudal condition the country has been submitted to.

Only the New Democracy Revolution will be able to build a new politics, a new economy and a new culture and ultimately construct a new Brasil.

The opportunist, as ever, have presented themselves again for fulfilling the role of faithful helpers of the old order of people’s exploitation and national subjugation, seeking to divide the masses and deviate them from the revolutionary path, in exchange of the ‘profitable chairs’ in the old and genocide State.

To the revolutionairies and patriots it falls to summon up the masses to resist and organise themselves in the Democratic, Agrarian and Anti-imperialist Revolution’s tasks, constituting its clear and decisive revolutionary leadership. #

Ao longo das últimas duas décadas, o jornal A Nova Democracia tem se sustentado nos leitores operários, camponeses, estudantes e na intelectualidade progressista. Assim tem mantido inalterada sua linha editorial radicalmente antagônica à imprensa reacionária e vendida aos interesses das classes dominantes e do imperialismo.
Agora, mais do que nunca, AND precisa do seu apoio. Assine o nosso Catarse, de acordo com sua possibilidade, e receba em troca recompensas e vantagens exclusivas.

Quero apoiar mensalmente!

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