The ceremony for the entrance into office of the Attorney-General, Raquel Dodge, that took place on September 18th, was marked by de defence of the ‘law empire”. Both, the Attorney-General and the gangster manager, Temer, were in accordance with this matter.
According to the Attorney nobody can be above or below the law – a common speech among the members of the Prosecuting and Justice Counsels -although they are all aware of the fact that things are not like that. Proof enough is on the ceremony photo in which Raquel Dodge and the Chairwoman of the Supreme Court, Carmen Lucia, were surrounded by three well-known law breakers.
The PMDB big gang chief in a cynical performance agreed with Dodge affirming that the supreme authority is the law and not the constituted authorities and made the best of the opportunity for criticizing his opponent, Rodrigo Janot, Raquel Dodge’s predecessor.
For the ruling classes, the law is just a detail as long as the laws are directly or not elaborated by them. It comes from there Temer’s confidence – who believes to be the withholder of the pigsty self-denominated National Congress – to modify the present juridical picture to enable him not only to remain as a manager of the Old State, with the rest of the his gang, but not to go to jail.
As a matter of fact, the power owners, landlords and big bourgeois, all of them imperialism servants, elaborate, as we said before, the laws at their image and likeness, printing on them their State class character. Afterwards, they are delivered to a privileged bureaucracy which will look after their implementation.
The logics that rule the power’s owners is the oppression and exploitation to guarantee the wicked production relationship resulting in perverse social relationship. A clear example is that, while Temer and Dodge were praising the law excellence, peasants in Tocantins have been resisting to the institution action that, in the name of the law, has been depriving them from their right to land. In Mato Grosso do Sul, strongly armed gunmen applied the logics of the landlords and put fire in houses and belongings of the Guarani and Kaiowá indians, in Guy Kambl’y, Douradinha.
They have used the same logics in Pau d’Arco (PA) and in Colniza (MT) as well as in Eldorado dos Carajás (PA) and Santa Elina (Corumbiara –RO).
For the ruling classes, the law is a guarantee of their privileges which they name their rights. The law-makers, with the intention of maintaining such privileges, did not care about the maintenance of the unaltered election legislation, one of the main sources of the bankrupted political system of the old order.
Not even the media polls, indicating the whole population rejects all names presented by the One Party to compete to the old State management, have served as a warning to the National Congress banditry.
The atmosphere of people’s complete repulse to all the official politics’ rottenness and insecurity before the generalized delinquency has been accepted as a pretext by the reactionary militaries to submit the Nation to their boots and bayonets. The violent people’s uprising however has been fermenting itself against the old order urging the ruling classes to move away their high pretorian forces of the exploitation and oppression system. They have put out their claws with the speech of Gen. Hamilton Mourão on a military intervention under the silence of Defence Minister who spends his precious time arguing with Rio de Janeiro’s police-in-chief.
For the people there is a right above the law, the right to fight for their rights which have been smashed for centuries. It is the people’s uprising facing this rotten exploitation system that has mercilessly been repressing their most simple and fair protest, potencializing their reasoning that is fair to rebel.
This is the proletariat’s and the peasant’s logics as well the people’s masses as a whole. The right to work, the right to land, the right to housing, to health and to education and the right to organization and demonstration as well.Ultimately the right to a dignified life which has been despised by the ruling classes logics. That is what people long and prepare their revolution for. A revolution to break up the old order logics applying a programme based on the conquest and maintenance of the people’s fundamental rights.