Everybody is talking, all Brazil comments: why Temer did not fall yet? It is not that there is hope on the part of the people that something better will come in the short and even medium-term, but Temer’s persuasiveness in holding on to the post is a cause of general astonishment.
As a political corpse, Temer wanders around the world, pretending that he embodies something of power, while the “market” and the power groups seek, in their permanent quabble and collusion, to find a substitute that ensures, with utmost urgency, in Parliament, the realisation of the anti-people and sell-motherland reforms that they long for, in the case it is untenable to maintain it. Let us see that, as Brazil watched in horror, the Congress of bandits, at the service of bankers, industrialists and landowners, already approved, suddenly, the biggest attack on workers’ rights.
In a visible state of meltdown, Temer meets daily with the hard core of his gang to devise survival strategies for it: release of parliamentary amendments, promises to veto aspects of reform of labor laws, replacement in Chamber committees with possible “Infidels” and also articulations with the party chiefs in an attempt to give them what they no longer have in their power stock.
We have already stated here that the alliance between two gangs, the most dangerous of which is that of Temer and Meirelles – in which real power is in the hands of Meirelles, an agent of imperialism, and it is up to Temer to only give the seal of office to the “reforms” demanded – is the sole reason for the joint efforts of confederations of banks, industry and agribusiness to secure him at the post until the invoice is settled amid the sharp strive between fractions.
The power, in fact, follows in the moment with Meirelles. So much so that in the articulations for the post-Temer it is not considered, in any case, to take him and his class from the Ministry. On the contrary, he has already stated that, in the event of a new government, he will still put the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) in his custody.
On the side of opportunism, “Temer Out” boils down to the re-labeling of the “Direct Elections Now” campaign now as a farce, since, with its incurable parliamentary cretinism, it associates itself with imperialism, with the big bourgeoisie and latifundia in an attempt to give survivability to the old order. They shout “Temer Out” and false cries against “reforms”, but they defend what is essential in them. Without the slightest bit of embarrassment in negotiations in the mud of the “Lava Jato” to save the rotten political system boat from the shipwreck.
Wanting to flag the people’s struggle with the rags of the electoral farce only causes distrust on the part of the working class, the peasantry and the people in general, who are undecided by the convocations of General Strike without the effective preparation to ensure the accomplishment of their purposes and not the scheme of traitors to save their trade union traps.
On the side of the people, the banner of the Democratic Revolution rises, more and more vigorously. The land takings happen from north to south of the country, in a demonstration of repudiation, both to reactionaries and to the opportunists, who came together to give continuity to semi-feudalism.
The massacres practiced have long been campaigns of terror to demobilize and paralyze the peasant masses, especially in the face of the imminence of the struggle explosion throughout the country. However, as has become clear, no terror will stop the struggle of the peasant masses. And nothing and nobody can stop the rising tide of popular revolt.
Like the unrelenting situation of the political corpse Temer, the endless series of crimes committed against the workers – whether under the legal cover of a Congress of bandits at the service of business confederations and covered by a rotten judiciary, being the massacres of peasants commanded by the landowners – is, in the end, immense flammable material accumulating all over Brazil.
Let the reactionaries and opportunists tremble at the idea and concretion of the violent revolt of the masses!