On November 21st , during the presentation of the  ultra-reacionary party “Aliança pelo Brasil”, the fascist  Jair Bolsonaro affirmed to have submitted to the National Congress the so called “excluding lawfulness condition”, a project that can exempt from the punishment the “security” agents and militaries in operations of Guarantee of Law and Order (GLO). 

The Brazilian Criminal Code makes provision for the excluding lawfulness ( not to answer legally for executing people) for any citizen in three cases: in the strict compliance of duty, in cases of self-defense and in state of  distress. However, the new text deals exclusively with the action of repression agents and militaries in case of GLO operations. This is the second time Bolsonaro makes the legislative proposal and the law project needs to be  endorsed by the Senate and House of Representatives.  

The project announced by Bolsonaro would benefit the Armed Forces, the Federal Police, the Federal  Road Police, the Firemen and the civil and militaryy police, as well as the GLOs which are subscribed by the express determiantion of the Republic President. Further, considering that the GLO has already been operated in several street demonstrations against ex-president Michel Temer, in slums in Rio de Janeiro and, recently, in Amazonia. 

On the poor people genocide in Rio, practically all “ security” operations ( in other words, repression and poverty control)  carried out by the Armed Forces are by GLO decrees. 

The text establishes, for example, that the agents can act in “self-defence”, in practice or imminence of terrorism, without specifying what would terrorism be – whereas they allow to legitimate the various practices of terrorism that have been commited by the police forces in the slums and poor districts in the country. Furthermore, the text refers to the “defense” in practice or imminence of practice of behaviour able to create death or personal injury; restrict the victim freedom by violence or serious threats and to bear or utilize ostensibly firearms. 

In all the situations described above the text refers that there must not be in flagrant of the agent. The cases would be ( supposedly, one can say,) to ibe investigated by the military or police authorities and forwarded to the Public Ministry. 

Generals are afraid of people’s uprising 

In other words: Bolsonaro wants to give carte blanche for increasing the massacre of the poor people. Since, at the present crisis in Brasil, there is a civil reactionary war carried out against the people in the countryside and in the cities, Bolsonaro wants to give a free rein for enhancing of the poor people’s bloodshed. 

In addition, the people’s upheavals that have been shaking Latin America are worrying the enemies of the people who need this kind of artifice to prevent the same to happen in Brasil. Bolsonaro knows that, before the facts occurred in Chile, Ecuador, Colombia and Bolivia and with the powder keg Brasil has transformed into, the only answer the forces of the old State have to offer for the masses is an unbridled repression. The preventive counter-revolutionary military coup on the go in Brasil has as one of the main tasks to prevent the Brazilian people upheaval. 

Ao longo das últimas duas décadas, o jornal A Nova Democracia tem se sustentado nos leitores operários, camponeses, estudantes e na intelectualidade progressista. Assim tem mantido inalterada sua linha editorial radicalmente antagônica à imprensa reacionária e vendida aos interesses das classes dominantes e do imperialismo.
Agora, mais do que nunca, AND precisa do seu apoio. Assine o nosso Catarse, de acordo com sua possibilidade, e receba em troca recompensas e vantagens exclusivas.

Quero apoiar mensalmente!

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