Just war versus Unjust war

Just war versus Unjust war

The invasion of Mosul in Iraq, attacks by the Islamic State in Barcelona and other European capitals, new reinforcements in the aggression against Afghanistan, the fierce blows of the National Resistance to the imperialist invader, the resurgence of racial issues in the USA, the threats to Korea and Venezuela by the braggart Trump and the militarization and police terror in the invasions of the favelas in Rio de Janeiro: all this demonstrates that in the world and in Brazil the unprecedented aggravation of its contradictions and its antagonistic nature can only be confronted and solved by violence, through arms. Between the interests of the imperialists and their lackeys, on the one hand, and the popular masses and oppressed nations, on the other, these are facts that show the advanced extent of decomposition that imperialism reached, corresponding to a revolutionary situation in uneven but incessant development all over the world, against which imperialism seeks to counteract through its prey war for new splitting, with the growing reactionary character of the State in general, pointing to fascism in particular as a trend.

The world is at war because imperialism is war: the war of partitioning and repartitioning between superpotencies and potencies, predatory wars against oppressed countries. Those are wars of domination and oppression for the exploitation of oppressed peoples and nations. They are unjust wars.

However, the imperialist war does not exist without its opposition: just wars. They are wars of the peoples for the liberation of their invaded nations, and people’s wars for the establishment of the Power of the proletariat and the popular masses.

For imperialism there is no possibility of maintaining its dominion without wars and the wars precipitated its ruin.

Today, the sole hegemonic superpotency, the USA, seeking to secure its world domination and to ward off its bankruptcy, needs to put Russia on its knees, its main contender, because it remains an atomic superpotency, despite all its economic weakness as a raw material exporting country, mostly oil. And this is mainly due to the domination of the so-called Expanded Middle East, through the partitioning of countries (Iraq, Syria, etc.) to colonize and / or detain spheres of influence in total control of the major oil sources and geostrategic military positioning in the Europe-Asia passage.

Imperialism is oppression and exploitation

Capitalism in its parasitic and decomposing phase, agonizing, has nothing more to offer humanity. From the beginning of its final stage, imperialism, capitalism inevitably and inexorably entered into a reactionary spiral and general violence, a display of its law of development. Capitalism develops in the midst of cyclical crises, at shortening intervals, and due to the transition to the monopolistic phase it into its decomposition general crisis, which is greatly sharpened nowadays. This is the moment when it will be swept from the face of the Earth by the World Proletarian Revolution.

Imperialism is the era when the world was divided between a handful of oppressive nations with colonies and semicolonies on the one hand, and the vast majority of backward nations oppressed by them (colonies and semicolonies) on the other. As a form of its expansion, a display of its own nature, and through the export of capital and colonial policy, imperialism engendered in these colonies and semicolonies a type of capitalism based on semifeudality. This was the condition to deal with competition between powers, as it would be easier to establish an exploitation platform through dominating the raw materials sources, the exploitation of the labor force and the captive market for their corporations goods. Profit remittances have become the sap which imperialism feeds at the cost of increasing misery in the oppressed countries populations.    

Exploration and resistance

The existance of bureaucratic capitalism in the colonies and semicolonies had to pay the price of seeing a proletariat emerge inside them, which, being part of a backward capitalism, is the victim of overexploitation of its labor force, the source of the emergence of a resistance movement against capital, through the creation of unions and strike movements.

The highest step was taken after the Russian Revolution and the formation of the Communist International, initiating the era of the World Proletarian Revolution, with the creation of Communist Parties that, by being inserted into colonies and semicolonies, were called to lead the peasantry to the realization of the Democratic Revolution in the semicolonies and of National Liberation in the colonies, both having as program the Agrarian Antifeudal and Anti-imperialist Democratic Revolution. Revolutions of New Democracy, because they are under the leadership of the proletariat and supported in the Revolutionary United Front, whose base is the Workers-Peasant Alliance, and of its uninterrupted passage to the socialist revolution.

Three contradictions

The era of agonizing capitalism, of imperialism, is the era of the proletarian revolution. In this context, the struggle between the old and the new is expressed as the end of the world bourgeois revolution and the beginning of the World Proletarian Revolution. In order to continue existing, the old order needs to practice the greatest barbarities against the oppressed peoples and nations to keep them subdued in the midst of strife and collusion by the partition and repartition of the world between superpowers and imperialist powers.

To assert itself as the new, the proletarian revolution has solve the main contradiction of the age: nation versus imperialism, as a new type of democratic revolution; and with socialist revolution to solve the contradiction between proletariat and bourgeoisie. It must, in the midst of this, fight to avert the imperialist world war, arising from the inter-imperialist contradiction by the partition of the world, through the world people´s war; to solve on a world extent the fundamental contradiction of capitalism, between social production and its private appropriation, advancing towards the luminous Communism.

The Military Theory of the Proletariat

The science of Marxism, in its development, enabled the proletariat to teach the masses, with organization and discipline, how to overcome the ruling classes, even if they have a powerful army in their service.

In stating that “violence is the midwife of history,” Marx begins to formulate the Military Theory of the Proletariat, which will gain importance with Engels by addressing the role of violence in history and by highlighting the role of the army as the backbone of the state.

It was on the basis of Marx and Engels teachings that Lenin propelled the Military Theory of the Proletariat by advocating to arm the working class in the factories and, in alliance with the armed peasantry, to secure the peasant-worker alliance for the seizure of political power. With the formation of the Red Army of workers and peasants it was possible to defeat the white army of the ruling classes of big bourgeoisie and landolords, supported by the imperialists.

Chairman Mao Tsetung, studying the reality of China in the light of Marxism-Leninism, made a most valuable contribution by highlighting the semi-feudal and semicolonial nature of Chinese society, in which imperialism had engendered bureaucratic capitalism as a backward capitalism supported by semifeudalism. In a tough two-line struggle within the Communist Party of China, he points to the revolutionary role of the peasantry as the main force in the Democratic Revolution, establishes the concept of people’s war, developing the path of surrounding the city from the countryside, highlighting the strategic importance of guerrilla warfare, hence its application from the beginning to the end, of the concentric construction of the Party, Army and the United Front, highlighting the leading role of the Party, summing up in: “Power is born from the rifle and the party commands the rifle.” These formulations gave substance to the formation of the strategy of the Protracted People’s War, with “imperialism is a giant with feet of clay” and “imperialism” and all reactionary are paper tigers.

The victory of the counterrevolution in the Soviet Union in 1956 and in China in 1976 with the restoration of capitalism in those countries did not cease the revolutionary process that was unleashed in Latin America with a new revolutionary wave led by Chairman Gonzalo, as head of the Communist Party of Peru, initiating the people’s war in that country. Summarizing Maoism, it elevated it to the third, new and higher stage of Marxism. Chairman Gonzalo developed and made important contributions to the Military Theory of the Proletariat as the militarized Party, two-line struggle in the forge of the party and People´s War until Communism.

Ao longo das últimas duas décadas, o jornal A Nova Democracia tem se sustentado nos leitores operários, camponeses, estudantes e na intelectualidade progressista. Assim tem mantido inalterada sua linha editorial radicalmente antagônica à imprensa reacionária e vendida aos interesses das classes dominantes e do imperialismo.
Agora, mais do que nunca, AND precisa do seu apoio. Assine o nosso Catarse, de acordo com sua possibilidade, e receba em troca recompensas e vantagens exclusivas.

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