Maoists and revolutionaries from the whole world celebrate Karl Marx’s 200 years

Revolucionários homenageiam os 200 anos de Marx. Alemanha, 2018

Maoists and revolutionaries from the whole world celebrate Karl Marx’s 200 years

A great political-cultural event in Germany reaffirms the communists’ unity

More than 100 communist activists and revolutionary activists, representing Communist Parties and revolutionary organizations from 10 countries have celebrated the 200 years of Karl Marx’s birth, the great founder of the communist doctrine, in Bremen, north of Germany, on June 30th . The militants have participated in a great political celebration planned by the Organizing Committee of German maoists.

The celebration counted on the presence of organization representatives from Latin America, Asia and Europe, besides message greetings from those who could not be present. The Organizing Committee has also valued and rendered solidarity “to the comrades that could not attend the celebration because the class struggle in their countries did not allow them to leave their posts”.

The event was divided into two parts. The first one, with interventions from the organizations and reading of the messages sent by the others. The second, a cultural programme and presentation. The event was held in a large hall decorated with resplendent red flags with the hammer and sickle on the pilasters beside the posters and banners with communist slogans. As a plenary, there was a table before the participants who organized their chairs in lined up rows. At the centre, behind the table, a huge board with the stamp of international campaign of Karl Marx’s 200 years reasserted: Proletarians of all countries, unite!

“The event has manifested in concret terms the enormous will of all parties and organizations to overcome the dispersion of the International Communist Movement and to unify themselves under Maoism”, qualified the the Organizaing Committee. “The International Communist Movement is ripe to unify itself under the banner of Maoist”, sentenced.

Maoists announce a new unity

The Communist Parties and revolutionary organizations who pronounced themselves and issued greetings were: Peru’s People’s Movement (Reorganization Committee) – generated organism from the Communist Party of Peru (PCP) for the international work; Revolutionary Front for Defence of People’s Rights (FRDDP), from Brasil, Revolutionary People’s Students Movement (MEPR), from Brasil; Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist (TKP/ML); Nucleus for Reconstitution of the Communist Party of Mexico; Red Fraction of the Communist Party from Chile; Communist Maoist Party from France (PCmF); Communist League of Sweden, Collective Red Flag from Finland, Central Committee (CC) of the Communist Maoist Party of Galicia (PCmG); the Communist Maoist Party of Italy, the Red Flag Committee from Germany and the Communist Party of Ecuador-Red Sun (PCE-SV). Besides, saluting videos to the celebration were sent by the Poor Peasants League (LCP) from Brasil and from our newspaper, A Nova Democracia.


The MPP (CR) has stated in a speech pronounced in the event and published in internet that “this celebration is a good expression of the sucessful road taken by the reconstitution of the Communist Party of Germany accomplished by the comradesof the Red Flag Committee”.

The Peruvian Maoists have exposed that “ Marx and Engels showed that for winning the old world and create a new classless society, the proletariat has to dispose of its own worker’s party which Marx and Engels denominated Communist Party”. And that they could only release the humankind of the exploitation “ through the revolutionary violence ( nowadays the people’s war)”.

The MPP (CR) has also done an extensive explanatory statement on the realationship betweeen the proletariat and their leaders, the relationship between Maxism-leninism-maoism and its application at every reality and, at last, the importance of the contributions of universal validity of gonzalo-thought.

Gonzalo-thought has given contributions that are universally applicable, they remind. “The most substantial and developed part of gonzalo-thought is the general political line. On its specifications of the general political line are included the contributions of gonzalo-thought to the world revolution which the Maoist Parties and Organizations of the V Encounter of Latin America and the I Encounter of Europe have agreed to apply”, stated the MPP (CR). “ When one affirms contributions to the world revolution one underlines its universal character and that means one cannot be truly Maoist without applying the contributions of universal validity of gonzalo-thought to each concrete revolution for generating its guide-thought, the basis o f the revolution jefatura”, they conclude.

The Peruvian Maoists have rendered hommages as well as salutes to Chairman Gonzalo, to the people’s wars in Peru, India, Turkey and Philippines and to the participant parties.


The Revolutionary Front for Defence of the People’s Rights (FRDDP) has emphasized the proletarian internationalism, the decisive importance of its grasping and exposed the political situation in Brasil : “It is with happiness and a sense of duty that we salute such a great event that demonstrates the strenght of Marxism”, started the FRDDP representative. “We can only conceive and acomplish revolution in every country as part and at service of the world proletarian revolution. We are the followers of the heroic and glorious tradition of the Communist International and we should never forget it”, he affirmed.

The Brazilian revolutionary proletarian has reminded and saluted the battles against tht G-20 Summit, in July, last year.”I would like to use the time to salute the comrades that, a year ago, faced and defeated valiantly the repression in Hamburg streets”. And proceeded, solidarizing with the German Maoists: “ We condemn vehemently and with class hatred the coward aggression in Berlin against the comrades from the Red Flag Committee. We repudiate such a tiny rightist gang group and we similary repudiate the horny revisionists that from the shadows handle those puppets”, referring to the aggression that happened on May 1st , this year, by persons of a grourp denominated Jugen-dwiderstand.

On the national situation the FRDDP representative has mentioned as a landmark the 2013 upheavals, the fall of the opportunism government and, recently, the truckers’ strike. Furthermore, the unemployment and inflation that “have multiplied a hundredfold the misery and the number of people living in the streets and slums”.

“The only answer of the reactionary State has been repression. In the countryside the land concentration and selective murdering of the leadershipshave proceeded, mostly the LCP fellows who uphold the great Agrarian Revolution flag against all difficulties”, he continues. And completes: “The revolutionary situation has being developped in Brasil and the preparation for a military coup d’état is on the march” orchestrated by the Army Forces.

He has highlighted that, together with the suffering imposed to the masses by the old State and the exploitation regime, the subjective conditions have been developed so that the people can end up immediately all the misfortune on their shoulders. “For 30 years our leaders have been acted without any rest at all to restablish the Communist Party of Brasil as an authentic marxist-leninist maoist party, incorporating the contributions of universal validity of gonzalo-thought”, concluded the FRDDP.


The Red Flag Committee has saluted the advances for the reunification of the communists worldly and qualified the event as “ appropriated to the founder of communism, Karl Marx”.

The Germam maoists have pointed out that the celebration expresses a great international victory captained by the maoist’s advances in Latin America. “For the first time in history, a group of parties and organizations from the oppressed nations of the International Communist Movement has acted as a united force, based on marxism-leninism-maoism, principally maoism, and the contributions of universal validity of gonzalo-thought. It is not the voice of this or that party and organization but parties and organizations of a whole continent that uphold the people’s war flag and fight for advancing the unification of the worldly communists”.

“It is a left-wing demonstrating to be able to lead and unite. It is up to us to close ranks with them, recognize their role and accept the tasks that need to be resolved”, affirm the Red Flag Committee.

On he duties of the German proletariat, the maoists of this country emphasize that they have advanced towards the reconstitution, sweeping away the artisanal method of party work and political-ideological weaknesses; but they have also reaffirmed that there are vital tasks to be fulfilled. “We have duties that the class demands from everyone and we must take them up with responsibility, initiative and vitality. Enough with indecision!”


The Red Fraction of the Communist Party of Chile has highlighted in their intervention the importance of the great founder, Karl Marx, and his arms comrade, Frierich Engles, as well as the advances of the International Communist Movement.

“Today, we communists have wonderful conditions to continue the tasks that have been started by Marx. The international situation of growing disorders has displayed itself as the most favourable to commit to moving decisively the world proletarian revolution”, characterized the Chilean maoists.

However, they point out, there is a task to be undertaken of unifying the communists of the world under the basis of maoism. “We have maoism but the task to impose it as command and guide of the world revolution is in the order of the day. Its fulfilment demands to constitute or to reconstitute militarized communist parties, propel the ongoing people’s wars and unleash new ones”.

“We are decided”, they continue,” to fulfil the task to reconstitute the Communist Party that, in 1922, was founded by our chief, Luis Emillio Recabarren, and start the people’s war in our country”. As part of the struggle for reunification of the communists all over the world, the Chilean maoists have reaffirmed as well to observe the “internationalist task to contribute to the unity of maoists in an Unified Maoist International Conference”.


The Communist Party of Ecuador – Red Sun (PCE-SV) sent a salute to the celebration exposing the international situation, exposing the aggressions from the imperialist countries, mostly USA, against the oppressed people, emphasizing the ferocious and growing armed resistance for the national liberation of their countries. The PCE-SV detached, overall, the importance of the contributions of universal validity of gonzalo-thought for the communists.

Gonzalo-thought has been decisive so that we can leave behind old practices that, in a way or another, stuck us to centrism, statism, to the petty-bourgeois militarism and to be permeable to avakanism and prachandism”, they affirm. “ It is not anything new that who embraces gonzalo-thought advances the people’s war. This is not a product of the historicl casualty but the social practice; the contribution is evident, the lessons very clear”.


The Mexican maoists, organized in the Nucleus for the Reconstitution of the Communist Party of Mexico have also expressed themselves saluting the advances of the International Communist Movement and reaffirming their commintment for the development of the Mexican Revolution.

They have reasserted the work for the reconstitution of the Communist Party of Mexico as a militarized party, based on maoism and on the contributions of universal validity of gonzalo-thought. “You can rest assured that in Mexico the organized communists and the masses are engaging their best and their lives as well to guarantee the fulfilment of each single task, having as the main objective the reconstitution of the proletarian vanguard Party as part of the struggle for reconstituting the Communist International as marxist-leninist-maoist”, they assured.

The Mexican revolutionaries have also affirmed that “the work of the Committee for the International Unified Maoist Conference and the experiences transmitted by it represent a shining guide for the formation of the heroic combattants who will raise the masses in Mexico and, under their leadership, trigger the liberating fire for the people’s war.”

France, Turkey and Galicia

The Maoist Communist Party of France (PCmF) has saluted the Communist Parties and made a presentation of the marxism development from Marx to Chairman Mao. They have also made an analysis of the national situation in their country, the role played by the French imperialism in the world and the tasks of the maoists in France.

On maoism, the PcmF emphasized that “it was PCP – under the leadership of Chairman Gonzalo – that raised marxism-leninism-maoism, principally maoism, to the condition of international ideology of proletariat”.

On the national situation, they have pointed out that the masses have always fought against oppression and that it is up to the maoists to learn with them so that they can guide them. “Our society’s contradictions have been aggravated and the masses are mobilizing themselves. There cannot be oppression without resistance! That is why the Maoist Communist Party was founded, to give the masses an effective combatting tool to serve the masses in these difficult times”.

The Communist Party of Turkey/ Marxist-leninist (TKP/ML) remarked the importance of Karl Marx and his magnitude:” He showed us how freedom will be reached, he demonstrated that only the revolutionary violence will be able to change reality”.

Marx’s work, “marxism”, they affirmed, “ is not only a theory, it is a guideline for the proletariat in the class struggle; it is a revolutionary weapon in the hands of the class conciousness proletariat”. For the TKP/ML “if one does not grasp maoism, nowadays, it is not possible to understand Marx and, therefore, it is impossible to lead the proletariat in the struggle for the political power”.

The Central Committee of the Communist Maoist Party of Galicia (PCmG) stressed marxism vitality in clear opposition to the rotten theories of the “bourgeoisie and its lackeys who affirm the ‘end of history’,who deny the class struggle as the history motor”.

The Galician maoists pointed out that “ marxism has transformed the humankind history”, starting the era of the proletarian revolution and the bourgeoisie can only “continue trembling before the phantom of communism, because the proletariat and the masses will bury it, leading humankind to a new model of society, free from exploitation and oppression”.


The Maoist Communist Party of Italy, in its message, has pointed out the remarkable teachings of the great Karl Marx and welcomed the initiative for the International Unified Maoist Conference, qualified as “necessary”. Marx’s great conclusions and contributions – have afirmed the Italian communists – “have clarified the antagonism between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, the cyclical crisis of capitalism, the increase of misery and oppression on the masses, and the need of the revolutionary violence to destroy the bourgeois society and build up a new one”.

They have stressed that nowadays “ the mass struggles can only succeed where there is a genuine communist party, a single front led by the proletariat and a revolutionary army”. “That is why”, they continue, “ the people’s wars led by maoist parties are strategic, decisive and essential indications”. On the International Communist Movement they emphasized that “ the maoists must get rid of the revisionist and capitulationist tendencies in their ranks” and not to fall prey of dogmatism.

Finland and Sweden

The maoists of Finland, organized in the Red Flag Committee, were grateful for the invitation and explained briefly the history of the communist movement in their country, highlighting the losses caused by revisionism on their development, reaffirming their commitment for the reconstitution of the Party in their country aiming at the people’s war.

“We position ourselves by the reconstitution of the glorious Communist Party of Finland as a maoist party and we are devoted to work with all our hearts for this objective of strategic meaning for the revolution”; they all have committed to this, specifying that they are guided by “marxism-leninism-maoism, mostly maoism, also included the universal contributions of Chairman Gonzalo” aiming at “unleashing the people’s war up to communism”.

The Communist League of Sweden saluted the international campaign for the celebration of Karl Marx’s 200 years and his actions, as well as all persons who take part in the event.

The intervention focused on the party’s work level and the mass struggle in the Nordic country, organizing the immigrants in the struggle for their rights. The Swedish comrades have saluted the ongoing people’s wars and claimed to be very pleased “to see, hear and feel the presence of the comrades from all over the world”.

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