Media monopolies versus people’s press

Charge: Vini Oliveira

Media monopolies versus people’s press

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The Brazilian reader, guided by the informations distributed by the media monopolies, seems to see the reality with just one eye or, perhaps, with neither of them. This is because, besides twisting reality with their reactionary or post-modern tendencies, the reaction monopolies induce the reader to mistakes when analysing the facts.

With the emergence of imperialism, with the tendency to capital centralization and concentration, this is also verified at the communication network and the “press truth”, the “impartial news” existing in reality have become more and more dependent on the Stock Market. It is not a coincidence that when they inform the Stock Market crash or the bursting of a large economic crisis, they insist in inducing the reader to metaphysical conclusions that the causes are external facts and not the contradiction of the capitalist regime.. It is clear as well when, as the great investors want to manipulate the Stock Market results, the news receives a special colour praising the USA Army achievements in detail or simply giving the news a footnote.

A similar thing happens in the Brazilian case. Although  the three media monopolies, Globo, Folha de São Paulo and Estadão, label themselves as impartial critics of the government of the fascist Jair Bossonaro and his right-wing generals, the trio is fully linked to the demands of the imperialist Yankee (whose local establishement they are submitted to) and to the agrobusiness which take them to insert the main newspaper headlines in the dispute of their sponsors with Bolsonaro’s government.

Conversely, the people’s democratic press has played a fundamental role in the opinion making of those who want to have access to the true facts related to Brasil and the world.

The newspaper, A Nova Democracia (The New Democracy) , after 17 years of existence, has been conscientious in conveying to his readers the essential information for a concrete analysis of the concrete situation of the fight which represents the main contradictions between revolution versus counter-revolution, nation and oppressed peoples versus imperialism, masses versus semifeudality, people versus government, proletariat versus bourgeoisie and the inter-imperialist contradictions, and, in special, to diffuse peoples’ struggle that have become people’s war against imperialism and its local lackeys, as well as the wars of National Resistance against the invader imperialism.

While the media monopolies reproduce daily Bolsonaro and his troupe’s nonsenses guided by Olavo de Carvalho, the people’s press, without failing to analyse the world politics, showing its indestructible connection with the exploitation and oppression system, is concentrated in going to the countryside and edge of towns to show the real people’s struggle. It displays the poor peasant struggle, quilombolas and indigenous people, proletariat, public servants, teachers and the huge mass of urban semi-proletarians as street-vendors, Uber drivers, parking lot attendants. Anyway, all the exploited masses in the countryside and in the cities. It discloses the real reactionary civil war the old State launches against the poor people and mostly the poor black people in the slums. It emphasises as well the people’s courageous struggle for their rights and resistance against the cowardice of the police forces, how the carioca slums’ people face the genocide policy programmed by the Military and Civil Police of the fascist Witzel and how the people are leading their forms of struggle as for instance in the Complexo do Alemão where a revolted crowd marched in protest against the coward murderers of Agatha Felix and other tens of working children.

The people’s press went to the countryside and exposed the prison of five peasants in fight against  Flávio Dino’s government (PCdoB) who tried to expel them from their lands to sell them to Chinese investors. Or, more, it showed the demonstration that has demanded water for the peasants in the Cariri, Paraíba, and the resistance against the privatization of the São Francisco river transposition.

To maintain the independent people’s press it is fundamental the support of the readers and their divulgation of it in their working environment, housing and struggle organizations, expanding the net of the newspaper subscribers and supporters.

Ao longo das últimas duas décadas, o jornal A Nova Democracia tem se sustentado nos leitores operários, camponeses, estudantes e na intelectualidade progressista. Assim tem mantido inalterada sua linha editorial radicalmente antagônica à imprensa reacionária e vendida aos interesses das classes dominantes e do imperialismo.
Agora, mais do que nunca, AND precisa do seu apoio. Assine o nosso Catarse, de acordo com sua possibilidade, e receba em troca recompensas e vantagens exclusivas.

Quero apoiar mensalmente!

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