The creation of the “National Environmental Force” by Bolsonaro and its government of generals, that will be coordinated by a task-force chaired by the reactionary Army general and vice-president, Hamilton Mourão, is a flagrant fact of the landlord’s influence of this shift government.
It is true that in the media monopolies of the reaction are stamped justifications and “explanations”. It says: “It is to combat the fire”, “”Environment protection”, “National Defense”. But the true reason is evident: to fight the peasant masses in combative fight. Its is enough to see that together with the creation of such a force, the imposed “Guarantee of the Law and Order in the countryside”, the Executive will be able, by decree, to command a military intervention against a specific peasant area.
The new military force that will crowd military policemen and military of the Armed Forces (FA) has an auxiliary character,operating especially in the Western Amazonia, a region where the peasant struggle became significant. New thousand militaries from the Armed Forces have been there, besides the permanent forces of jungle battalions and unities from the Navy and Air Force, since the episodies of the fire promoted by the landlords and the military intelligence services to justify the presence of the troops, in September, 2019. Troops that, as the peasant moviment of the region has denounced, are surrounding and invading the settlement in clandestine operations, in places where fire outbreaks have never even occurred.
Such a measure is one more step ahead of the State military coup as a preventive counter-revolutionary offensive, especifically in its third task: to implement the police-military State, to enhance the repression again and the preparation, increasing noticeably, of a large-scale counter-revolutionary war against the masses in combat, mainly in the country side. They are “nudging the onça with a short stick” as we say in our country.
Repression stirs and does not scares
In spite of the repression, nothing can curb the struggle for land. The fight of the brave Brazilian peasantry against landownership has historic and secular roots; it is a need of the majority of the Nation and, spontaneously, the peasants are engaged to it.
Nowadays, to the tens of millions of poor peasants, there is the tough obligation to produce the basic basket for the livelihood of the working force: without credit, without a fair pricing policy, agricultural machinery and without any dignified State policy. Needless to say of the other tens of millions who are without access to the land.
Those heroic working masses are obliged to sell their mechandise for demoralized prices and inferior to the value of its producation to the monopolies of the great bourgeoisie and landownership, as, for instance, the bagging workers. They are forced, for producing enough, to engage the whole family in the work without even repaying them as salaried workers. Such masses cannot even appropriate further land income! This remorseless semifeudal exploitation is, in turn, the base of the bureaucratic capitalism over which the ruling classes without regret exploit the urban and rural proletariat as well, paying them a miserable salary.
The landlords, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the slave-based society, who produce commodities for the world imperialist market (deeply subordinating and retarding the nation) are intended the bulk of the state credit subsidised, tax exemptions, debt forgiveness – including not contributing for the Social Welfare – and all the benevolence of the successive shift governments. The land concentration reaches outrageous levels, growing with the misery of the peasantry and the outskirts of the megalopolis, big and middle sized cities. One can see the underlying semifeudality that combined with the semicolonial subjugation of the country to imperialism, mainly Yankee, engenders the bureaucratic capitalism for the limitless exploitation of our people.
The domination centre is the landownership
The whole history of the country and the masses’ subjugation has been settled with the existence of this cancer named landownership.
Established in Brasil since the colonization, in 1570, always under the foreign domination ( colonial until 1822 and from that time on to the present days, semicolonial) it has been evolving its exploitation form: slavery, semi-slavery, feudal and semifeudal. Nowadays, with the cloak of “agrobusiness”, it continues expropriating the peasantry in underlying relations that, essentially, are semifeudal as a fundamental basis, on top of which the bureaucratic capitalism develops.
Settled on the landownership that suppresses the economic development genuinely national, British imperialism propelled the capitalist development in the end of the 19th century. A large class of compradores has apppeared. – landownership families that, with the exploitation of the slaves and peasant masses, has accumulated capital and invested in the commerce -, and enriched everytime more, selling commodities from the land ownership to the imperialist industry and importing the manufactures, mostly from England, for the Brazilian soil.
All this subordination relation – started and based on the existence of the landownership -, has ruined the genuinely national industry still emerging, with capital and production legitimately national, through the unfair competition of the industry, especially the British one, and the backwardness of the productive forces as a result of the importance of the landownership.
The classe of compradores has developed itself as the great bourgeoisie, with monopoly commerce and a small monopoly industry, umbilically linked to the landownership ( serving from it to reach very large profits and thrive), whose lords of the land have homogenize the State power for more than 30 years (Old Republic); the ruling classes intertwined to the imperialist capital or submitted to the dense web of the imperialist domination in the credit or the production chain. With the wrong name of “Revolution of the 30s” another fraction appeared in the great bourgeoisie, the bureaucratic fraction, that, since then, hegemonizing the State power, modelling it into the corporativism, has promoted great impulses to the bureaucratic capitalism. Due to this country subjugation, all such a development has happened for serving to imperialism and great part of the surplus-value extracted, including by the great bourgeoisie and forwarded to the imperilialist nations. This is the history of the spoliation of the Brazilian people and Nation, whose origin – along with the foreign domination -, is the landownership.
To break such a domination demands, first and foremost, to destroy the landownership, incorparate the million peasants to the revolutionary struggle led by the proletariat, releasing the productive forces in the countryside, piece by piece, handing over the land to the poor peasants or with little land. Enough force accumulated, to make a leap forward with the democratic revolution to nationalize the local and foreign monopolies all over the country.
The opportunists talk about elections and democracy as if it was possible to solve with “dialogue” the misery of the peasant and worker masses, the immoral wealth of the great-bourgeois and landlords and the sordid imperialist domination, knowing that the wealth of some grows rightly because of the poverty of others.They mention the “agrarian reform” and the “family agriculture” as if they were the panacea for the peasants! Fair enough. They “forget” that the ruling classes control the State apparatus and the “democracy”, exercising pressure thanks to their economic power, ideological dominance through the military and police forces who lead their lackeys to the authority positions. They pay millionaire campaigns to elect parlamentarians, governors and presidents that will serve them like dogs. They hire “intellectuals” and buy the mass media to advertise on the “importance” of the landownership existence.: “Agrobusiness, the wealth industry of Brasil!”, besides advertising pacifism, “citizenship”, the electoral road and to await permanently for the “agrarian reform”. Dominating the politicians, the landlords and big-bourgeois they make through them the laws, the executive measures, they choose the military and police commanders at their defined criteria and operate everything at their service. The masses are emprisoned, as Marx says, in an “iron circle”, a system of oppression and exploitation. The peasants will never have land and encouragement except to die of working in benefit of the monopolies as it has been occuring through the centuries.
How much garbage the Revolution of New Democracy will have to sweep away? Such a titanic work can only be developed by the protracted and ruthless road. The peasants, the most interested in it, will ally to the proletariat for this great undertaking, There is no other manner, let alone there is a way to abort this inevitable way since it is the historic pending demand and so far unsolved. Just wait and see!