Olavo and ‘Carluxo’, the ventriloquists of fascism

Olavo and ‘Carluxo’, the ventriloquists of fascism

Named as “zero two” by Bolsonaro, Carlos Bolsonaro (Carluxo) should be “zero to one” for being his father’s favourite, since he has created conditions for him to reach the mandate of the Republic president.

Recently the “zero two” has affirmed that “by democratic paths the transformation Brasil wants will not happen”, suggesting that the present government, his father’s, is strapped to the High Command of the Armed Forces: “ The ones who have always dominated will be dominating in different ways”. These statements are his, disguised as his father’s ventriloquist, the fascist Jair Bolsonaro, since he cannot openly say what he thinks because of the position he holds.

To some extent, Bolsonro’s group is right: we do not affirm that he fascists will be able to give solution to the country’s problems (Far from that. What they propose will only aggravate all the disgraces for the masses and the Nation), but, in fact, the government is in other hands.

Furthermore, which would be Carlos’ attributes? None but the over-abundance of meaningless words utilised to disqualify his detractors whose prime targets are the press monopoly, the generals and whoelse is on the way of Jair Bolsonaro, whose plan is “to upturn the tide” to implant a fascist regime in Brasil.

Carlos has already suggested that the guard of the Institutional Social Security Office, general Augusto Heleno’s, is committed  against his father. On September 7th, in a symbolic action to defend his father, he sat in the back seat of the presidential car and next he invented a video paraphernalia to keep track of the doctors’ movements during the fascist president’s surgery. Recently, he took a leave from the Municipal Council to be his father’s bodyguard.

Carlos is renowned by his father as the holder of “deep” knowledge in networks, being able to elect a republic president. He is also a person who is capable to use them to manipulate the consciousness of millions of Brazilians through “fake news” or lies massively triggered by a real army trained to affirm and reaffirm the biggest foolishnesses and vulgarities extracted from the humankind trash. And he serves the cause very well, causing confusion with the aim to naturalise the chaos in a propitious environment to fascism.

However, he is nothing more than a bloodhound of the reactionary troupe of a world far right-wing that only sees the future through the history rear view, who contempts the advances the humankind has achieved with bloodshed as the defeat imposed on the fascist hordes.

What Jair Bolsonaro and his offsprings aim at is to get on with, managing it as a corporativation, the military coup to prevent the masses’ upheaval, a blow that inexorably will shock with the Democratic Agrarian and Anti-imperialist Revolution that, as a dam, has been conceiving itself for more than a century and, despite being desmantled by the reaction with fire and blood, has never managed to drown it. The Revolution lingers on, will raise stronger again and with the consciousness and assurance of its triumph.

The hard nucleus of the right-wing (Bolsonaro, his children, heads of the neo-pentecostal churches, guided by the fanatic anticommunist, Olavo de Carvalho), observing the blurred path the ruling classes will have to follow to propel the bureaucratic capitalism (a dangerous way since it is necessary to plunder and massacre the people’s masses already revolted), has an understanding that the only road for preventing the masses’s uprising, the only way to abort the danger of a revolution, is the creation of a corporative military regime to impede the masses with a hydrophobic anticommunism.Consequently, creating a breeding ground to justify the unbridled terror against the  people’s democratic organizations. By the way, concerning terror and repression the nucleus and the right-wing generals converge very well.

To implement the plan, the rethoric of the far right-wing is: “Everything that is around” is a result of the communists’ work (just imagine it!) who, according to Olavo followers’ delusions, would be infiltrated in the institutions, propagating the “cultural Marxism” that dominates the press and universities. That is why, during the inauguration as a president, Bolsonaro said that the “ideological problem” was worst than corruption. To justify his obstinacy towards the fascist military regime “to save to country from communism”, the far right-wing accuses everybody who belonged to the post-military regime, except Sarney and Collor, to have commited such a crime. Notorious right-wing anticommunists (like general Villas Bôas) became from one day to the next “true” communists according to the most fanatic bolsonarists.

The ACFA de facto government restricts Bolsonaro’s group since they have full consciousness of how catastrophic for the counter-revolution the imposition of a militray regime at this very moment would be; it would result in a wide range of resistance front in the society, a wave of total repudiation to the Armed Forces and militaries. In the counter-revolution field, for the far right-wing – as bolsonarist guru, Olavo de Carvalho, affirmed – “the only way out for the president is to get support from the people who loves him”. He referred to the masses who have been deceived and, gaining their support, create an active “bolsonarist militancy” “to impose his authority as much to the civil as to the military persons”. He refers here, of course, to the need of a fascist corporative action of the society. And he went further: “Either this or we are now already in an atmosphere of undeclared coup”.

The reality is that as much the far right-wing and its project of a fascist “revolution” as the right-wing generals and their project of the old Bonapartist “democracy” will make use of an untold super-exploitation of the masses of our people. Bolsonaro, seeking to get support of more sectors of the Yankee imperialism, preaches to to convert Brasil into a Yankee protectorate, to hand over the natural and mineral resources and the agricultural production.

The masses, flogged as they have always been, can only combat by their few rights until coming across the bright path for their liberation. The New can only come up in our country through the settlement of all this structure: the semifeudal basis and the semicolonial condition wrapped in modernity and state-of-the-art technology that will arrive when the people’s power of the New Democracy imposes itself and the national sovereignty will have a greater voice. The revolucionary New State, a new economy, a new culture materialized into the defeat of the landownership through the land allocation for the landless peasants or with little land, the nationalization of the strategical sectors of the economy and the confiscation of the whole foreign and local capital to be developed in full for the benefit of the people and the Nation.

May the national territory be settled by producers organized in cooperatives with effective technical assistance, guaranteed by the New State, under a fast-paced mechanisation and collective ownership of production of food for the population. And the supply of raw materials for the leap of the complete industrialization of the country, focusing in the satisfaction of the Nation and also the cooperation and solidarity to the peoples and nations in struggle for their liberation of the imperialist yoke.

Only the Great Democratic Revolution will give birth to the New Brasil!

Ao longo das últimas duas décadas, o jornal A Nova Democracia tem se sustentado nos leitores operários, camponeses, estudantes e na intelectualidade progressista. Assim tem mantido inalterada sua linha editorial radicalmente antagônica à imprensa reacionária e vendida aos interesses das classes dominantes e do imperialismo.
Agora, mais do que nunca, AND precisa do seu apoio. Assine o nosso Catarse, de acordo com sua possibilidade, e receba em troca recompensas e vantagens exclusivas.

Quero apoiar mensalmente!

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