Hundreds of Swedish communist militants, during a Maoist Unification Conference that happened in November, approved unanimously to propel the process of reconstitution of the Communist Party of Sweden. In the event, announced by the Kommunistiska Föreningen (Communist Association), the revolutionaries have raised 15 principles by which they must be guided in the reconstitution of a proletarian revolutionary party.
“Comrades from different parts of the country [Sweden] have recently held one only conference. Discussions were made in a group about a resolution project. The groups have proposed a number of amendments to the original draught proposal. The conference adopted unanimously the resolution”, affirmed the Association.
The Swedish Maoists advocate that the Communist Party must be “a party of cadres, composed by active members” , and recognise that “there will always be contradictions in the Party”. The group has also stated that “the class struggle will require from the Party to be time and again able to discuss and develop appropriate courses of action”, and that means that “Marxism-leninism-maoism must be applied in a creative way to the present-day conditions”.