The Military Intervention will fail

Charge: Vini Oliveira

The Military Intervention will fail

On a February 27th, 2018 pronouncement, general Walter Sousa Braga Netto affirmed – according to G1 portal – that “the objective of the federal intervention is ‘to retrieve the credibility’ of the public security in the state”. He affirmed as well that “Rio de Janeiro is a laboratory for Brasil”, insinuating that Rio will work out for possible interventions in other states of the country.

The Armed Forces as a vertebral column of the Brazilian State and political organization of the great bourgeoisie and landownership, servicing imperialism, mostly Yankee, assures the maintenance of the exploitation and oppression system over the working masses and subjugation of the Nation. For that and because its class character the mission given to the general is predestinated to the most complete failure.

Historically, the Armed Forces interventions have left unprecedented “pacifications” with rivers of blood and  cemetery peace. One can observe it in the Paraguay War, working at the service of the British colonialism; the interventions of Canudos, Contestado, Trombas and Formoso, all of the republican era transformed into war against the poor people; finally, its history demonstrates the class links with the landownership, the big bourgeoisie and servicing the imperialism.

As an exception of this sistemic and continued historical aspect, the objective established by the general with the aim to reestablish the credibility for the public security in Rio de Janeiro is covered of a large fallacy as long as it treats the effect by the cause, not taking into account, among other things, the following aspects:

  1. The federal security intervention in Rio de Janeiro, that is, the military intervention, occurs in a moment of deep economic, political, social and moral crisis that reaches all institutions of the old State in a general crisis of credibility.
  2. The economic crisis as a material basis of the present situation is a general crisis of the bureaucratic capitalism in the country, resulting from the semicolonial and semifeudal condition, within the deep world imperialism crisis, being also characterized as a domination crisis over the people and national subjugation.
  3. The state of Rio de Janeiro has become for Brasil and the world a display window of such a national reputation.
  4. A descredited governor who, publicly, has abdicated of his management, recognizing the state’s failure, not only on the public security but in the other administration sectors.
  5. A police that has a superlative grade of involvement with the drugdealers and militians which are, almost always, composed by military policemen.
  6. The public security crisis being conditioned by the economic crisis represented by its bankrupcy in the state administration, which is part of the old Brazilian State rotteness. Conditioned also by the political crisis, characterized by the misgovernment in all sectors of administration; by the social crisis which has imposed the unemployment to the country and, especially, Rio de Janaeiro; and for the moral crisis, openly revealed by the corruption in the superior levels of last administration, involving the governor, his assistants, the judicial body, the chairman of the Court Audit and the whole council.

Thus, through the announced and operative objectives with the slums invasions, the federal decree on the public security of Rio de Janeiro, resulting in the military intervention, has only been the enlargement and intensification of the reactionary civil war against the poor people that the old State has applied in an unchanged manner.

To surround the slums and register the dwellers just for causing a false security sensation is the crudest displaying of a complete failure of the so-called “Democratic state of rights” and the advanced stage of rotteness of the old Brazilian State. It is as well a clear confession of its opressing and repressing nature on the people for maintaining the exploitation system. Before the inevitable reaction of the people’s fury against the increasing of murders and massacres of their children, mostly young ones (as it has happenned recently in the slumns of Salgueiro, in São Gonçalo), the army commander has declared cynically not to accept the “Truth Commissions” confessing the planning of a war against the people as well as his project to assure judicial imunity to the troops in its genocide behaviour.

However, what is questionable under the apppearance of “crisis on the public security” and “the power of the organized crminals” is the general crisis of the present system for exploitation and oppression. That is why the military intervention, announced as a boastfulness of the generals and supported by the media will not be successful. The designers of it know very well since their goals is to rehearse and prepare the future coup d’État against the inevitable revolutionary people’s insurgency.

The executors and leaders of this intervention are aware of the crime they are committing against our working people, however it is clear that the people will know – despite the inequal means and necessary sacrifices – how to organize and provide their fair rebellion.

Ao longo das últimas duas décadas, o jornal A Nova Democracia tem se sustentado nos leitores operários, camponeses, estudantes e na intelectualidade progressista. Assim tem mantido inalterada sua linha editorial radicalmente antagônica à imprensa reacionária e vendida aos interesses das classes dominantes e do imperialismo.
Agora, mais do que nunca, AND precisa do seu apoio. Assine o nosso Catarse, de acordo com sua possibilidade, e receba em troca recompensas e vantagens exclusivas.

Quero apoiar mensalmente!

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