Temer’s government has already received the extreme-unction since, for escaping from the two denouncements of the Attorney General of the Federal Republic, he has wasted all his political capital saved at the costs of the national treasure.
Submmitted to an investigation by the Federal Police on the propine question for passing a decree that would favour harbour enterprises in Santos (SP), Temer has been defending himself as if being the last honest man in the planet.
As he could not defend himself from the bunch of proofs that were in the media monopoly, he tried to perfect on his gongoristic speech, accusing the Federal Police for a supposed information leakage related to the inquiry.
He has finally decided to require from the Justice ministry, Raul Jungmann, a deep investigation from the federal agents in charge of the question.
Imprisoned friends
As any gang boss Temer has, as a main characteristic, to be a straight-faced person. Sorrounded by gangsters as Eduardo Cunha, Geddel Vieira Lima, Moreira Franco, Eliseu Padilha, Romero Jucá besides the lawyer, José Yunes, and the quiet colonel João Baptista Lima, all of them with a bad certificate of conduct to make Don Corleone envious, Temer has been presenting himself as one of the most inequitable person among all the human beings and a ‘victim’ of persecutions from the institutions that, he affirmed, during a Summit of the States Chiefs, in Davos, Switzerland, to be working out perfectly well.
Government drifting away
In every bulletin from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) or even from the Central Bank, the reality of the Brazilian crisis becomes nuder and contradicting Temer’s and Henrique Meirelles’ megalomaniac speeches besides the cheating propaganda of the media on the recovery of the economy and resumption of growth.
According to IBGE, unemployment has reached 13.1% at the first semester of 2018 and, more than that, the institute has informed there are no jobs for 26 million Brazilian workers and the unemployment last year was the largest since 2012.
Those data have been confirmed by the fall of 1.4% in January of the industrial production which has been indorsed by IBGE as well. The same has occurred to the small growing taxes of the GNP and high inflation.
The bulletin analysis in the site ADVEN Brasil, linked to the Stock Market in São Paulo (Bovespa), contradicts Meirelles’ projections that the GNP would reach 3.2% this year. In accordance to the propagation of ADVEN the “Central Bank survey was made in April, from 16th to 20th, 2018”.
According to the Focus Bulletin ( Central Bank), the principal economists in the country have worsened their projections for 2018 on a series of indicators, as for instance: the Ample Index for Prices to the Consumers (IPCA), the GNP, the General Index for the Market (IGP-M), the General Index of Prices – Internal Availability (IGP-DI), the commercial dollar value, the Commercial Balance and Direct Foreign Investment (IED).
For comparing the increase of the crisis in the table, it is necessary to verify the low tendence in fundamental items like IPC-Fipe, GNP, Commercial Balance and Direct Foreign Investment.
Supported by the Armed Forces
Temer, with the intention to reach December 31st and with the help of the generals, wastes his time defending the indefensible, looking for a hole where to hide himself on January 1st , next year.
The ruling classes handle with a preventive counter-revolutionary military coup against the violent people’s rebellions that come near. They understand that things are going “down the drain” and the masses are not in the mood for standing once more the economic, political, social and moral failure of this old, rotten bourgeois-landowner State, at the service of imperialism, deepening in its bureaucratic capitalism crisis.
The crime rates keep increasing in Rio de Janeiro even after two more months of military intervention with its fictitious “security sensation”; they are the quickmatches for the boom of the civil reactionary war against the poor people. The poor people who will give their back to the electoral farse and will organize the people’s protests in high levels for answering in the same tone to the violence they receive.