The USA tightens the knots of subjugation

Charge: Vini Oliveira

The USA tightens the knots of subjugation

The news is in the site of the USA Consulate under the title: “Visit of the United States vice-secretary, John J, Sullivan”. It displays that on May 22nd (by ‘coincidence’ one day after the truck-drivers’ strike), a group led by the Yankee State vice-secretary arrived in Brasilia. The interim vice-minister of the Foreign Affairs, Marcos Galvão, welcomed the vice-secretary and delegation with a working lunch and meeting. It was then launched the Permanent Forum for Security Brasil-USA.

United order

The composition of the Brazilian delegation shows how important the Forum is. Presents: the embassador Marcos Galvão, the General Secretary of the Foreign Affairs Ministry and representatives of the Justice Ministry, Defence Ministry and Special Ministry of Public Security.

Under he coordination of Itamaray and the USA State Department, the forum will discuss “to create favourable conditions for inter-agency understanding and the development of operational strategies around six pre-defined thematic areas: drug traffic, weapons trafficking, cyber crimes, money laundering and financial crimes, terrorism and institutional cooperation.

During his speech the USA vice-secretary of State praised the cooperation between both countries during the 2016 Olympic Games, affirming that the “Forum as a whole has as an aim the launching of a new and larger cooperation platform that will identify the concret means for dealing with the mutual challenges for security”. And he added: “ Above all, we firmly believe that the Forum should not be a mere stage for conversation. We agree it must be cooperative, operational and showing outcomes”.


The strategies plans by USA like “ America for the Americans”, “Big Stick”, “Good Neighbourly Relations” (specifically for Latin America as “Alliance for Progress”) and some others under a solidarity and cooperation speech have only embedded leeches clauses for implementing the imperialist exploitation.

Consequently an agreement for a “cooperative” and “operational” forum now can only corroborate our denouncements that the Army Forces have put in motion a preventive counter-revolutionary military coup to the inevitable people’s uprising, who are facing so much exploitation, oppression and degeneration coming from this bureaucratic-landownership order, obliged to imperialism, mostly Yankee.

As the main semicolonia of the Yankee imperialism, Brasil has been accompanied, in real time, by their information and spying agencies. Such agrements aim to be anticipated to the aggravation of the revolutionary situation that has been developing in the country, in face of the difficulties of the ruling classes and the failure of the political system of the old State in keeping the old order every time more threatened by a general collapse.

From the people’s side are the demonstrations that they do not accept and will never accept that the onus of the tremendous crisis will come to their shoulders. They signal that they advance very fast their mobilization and politization. From them will raise the vanguard force to organize them in a true and powerful Democratic,Agrarian and Anti-imperialist Revolution to end up this old, rotten order and for the building of a New Brasil.

Ao longo das últimas duas décadas, o jornal A Nova Democracia tem se sustentado nos leitores operários, camponeses, estudantes e na intelectualidade progressista. Assim tem mantido inalterada sua linha editorial radicalmente antagônica à imprensa reacionária e vendida aos interesses das classes dominantes e do imperialismo.
Agora, mais do que nunca, AND precisa do seu apoio. Assine o nosso Catarse, de acordo com sua possibilidade, e receba em troca recompensas e vantagens exclusivas.

Quero apoiar mensalmente!

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