“There is an ox in the line” of “weak meat”


“There is an ox in the line” of “weak meat”

The operation “carne fraca”(weak meat), with all the fuss with which it was disclosed, is just another chapter of the struggle between the power groups to take control of the old Brazilian state.

The three mountains of semicolonial and semifeudal oppression of our country, represented by imperialism, semi-feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism, in their fractions expressing their interests through the various acronyms of the single party of the reaction, tenaciously struggle to bite even larger chunks of the national economy and, for that purpose, they use all weapons: fraud, machinations, campaigns of lies through press monopolies, murders and, especially, cheating, all to assert their interests.

In an attempt to maintain its position in the semicolonial and semi-feudal economy, the newly appointed agriculture minister Blairo Maggi made statements against what he called a “phytosanitary bureaucracy,” that is, against oversight of procedures in food production , opening space to confirm part of the denounces about the frauds practiced by the slaughterhouses, as the basis of “weak meat” Operation.

The JBS and BRF companies, with all their modernity appearance, are just the tip of the iceberg represented by the production chain, assembled from the bottom, in semi-feudal relationships that indicate the survival of the old landlords.

In the last fifteen years, these companies and others were favored with loans from the BNDES (National Bank for Economic and Social Development) with subsidized interest to the point that many of them became international companies such as Petrobrás, Ambev, Camargo Corrêa and Odebrecht, BRF And JBS etc. The last two are like a facade to the landlords disguised as agribusiness. However, all involved in the connivence with the rotten political system and the “developmentalist” tricks.

It was this coalition that opened space so that, from one hour to another, what was an investigation into a smuggler recidivist in the currency swindle that became the greatest investigation on corruption that happened in the country and that exposed the entrails of the rotten state.

This is how the Operation “lava jato” emerges as imperialism management to save the system of domination in the face of the political crisis, the economic crisis, the revolutionary situation: the above can no longer govern as before, that is, the System of government can no longer be concealed, and with the economic crisis the dispute between the fractions to define who will remain above deepen even more the revolutionary situation itself.

The strife within the institutions of the old State is an unmistakable sign that the “establishment” has also divided, but its core is managed by the Yankees and they, in order to save the institutions and their model of democracy – whose crisis risks to social explosion, as one can see the rotten “Democratic rule of law” and the growing electoral boycott, discredit and lack of legitimacy of its institutions – they try to do a cleaning to deceive public opinion, especially the middle classes. The demoralization of the legal system has reached unprecedented levels and must be saved to free the system of domination.

What does the reaction have to counter the revolution, if not its old democracy? This, however, is very demoralized, so that the press monopolies, while demoralizing the politicians, defend the institutions by saying that they are working, that the example is the Judiciary – through the figure of Moro, the ministers of the Supreme , The Federal Police, etc.

The weakening of the bureaucratic fraction, therefore, is a mere consequence of the strive, since both (bureaucratic and comprador), together with the landlords, are the basis of support and reproduction of imperialist domination. Agribusiness is the main support base of imperialism, as that, with Operation “carne fraca” that dealt in this sector, we saw how the reaction was much stronger, hence Federal Police became in the spotlight.

In this sense, the strife is between imperialism and the bureaucratic fraction of the brazilian big bourgeoisie, whose companies, affected by corruption scandals inherent to capitalism and, even more, to semicoloniality, had their patrimony significantly reduced. Petrobrás and the suppliers of bureaucratic capital, mainly contractors, were mortally wounded. Looking at the acquisitions reports, mergings and stock purchase, one can see the voracity with which the vultures feast at Bovespa.

According to a monopolist press portal (G1), in 2014, Petrobrás accumulated losses of 40% in the price of its stocks and, as a consequence, lost more than R $ 165 billion. Another outlet of the communication monopoly (Exame magazine) disclosed that one day after the disclosure of the denunciations, “the stocks of BRF and JBS were heavily impacted on the stock exchange with the operation “carne fraca” On 03/17, the day of Operation “carne fraca”, BRF stocks fell to 7.25%, while JBS fell to 10.58%. JBS, owner of Friboi, lost R $ 3.4 billion in market value in a single day. BRF was R $ 2.3 billion less valuable.

Suddenly the Federal Police was at the spotlight in face of the fragility of the documents presented, mainly in relation to the exports that undergo rigorous inspection in the importing countries.

Relating this operation to the rest of the “Lava Jato”, we conclude that “there is ox in the line” * of Operation “carne fraca”.

While the bureaucratic bourgeoisie is beaten, the other part of the big bourgeoisie, the comprador bourgeoisie, represented mainly by the banks, is surfing the wave of the crisis, with extraordinary profits considering a country in recession for more than three years.

It is to wonder that such an extensive investigation involving spectacular amounts of money and accounts abroad does not reveal anything of the banks’ involvement in such shady deals.

The strife between such power groups, as in the card game, shows that it is impossible for the three players to leave the table victorious; So if there are three players, at least one loses. Such is the core of the crisis that has revealed the decomposition of the Brazilian State.


* The expression “have ox in the line” appeared in the time of the steam trains that suddenly stopped and, when the people asked the driver the reason for the stop, it would respond: “there is ox in the line”. From there it began to be used as an indication that something strange or suspicious exists.

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