Venezuela: USA wants chaos at the borders

Criança venezuelana em campo de refugiados. Roraima, 2018 (foto: Ellan Lustosa/AND)

Venezuela: USA wants chaos at the borders

The deep crisis of the bureaucratic capitalism breakdown in Venezuela has received a new chapter on August 4th, when Maduro would have suffered an assassination attempt. Venezuela’s president was making a pronouncement during a National Bolivarian Guard anniversary event where – according to an offical account – two drones with explosives have been blown up. Seven militaries were injured.

Ellan Lustosa/AND

Immediately, government sources began to denounce international schemes to murder Maduro who accused Colombia president, Juan Manuel Santos, for planning the attack. The connection with Colombia has been confirmed days later when the ex-police chief of the Venezuelan place, San Diego, Salvatore Lucchese – who is a refugee – has admitted to the international monopoly media to have planned the attack with a group of anti-Maduro activists known as ‘resistance’.

The attempt has been serving as a trigger for the upsurge of the political persecution from the Venezuelan government that has launched a witch-hunt. The deputy, Juan Requesens, an active persnon in Maduro’s opposition, was arrested with his sister on August 8th, accused of participation on the attack. In addition, six more persons have been detained and two accused of operating the drones.

The following day, the ruling National Constituent Assembly suspended the immunity of Juan Requesens and Julio Borges, ex-chairman of the National Assembly, whose majority is opposicional.

In any case, the attack against Maduro deepens still more the crisis and it becomes more imminent the starting of the Yankee imperialism’s plans for an aggression to Venezuela, using the Armed Forces of the neighbouring countries in South America.

On August 8th , the UN ambassador, Nikki Haley, visiting the Venezuelan refugees in Colombia, classified the attack as a provocation adding fuel to the flames of an imperialist aggression to Venezuela. “ In a certain moment  we will have to deal with Maduro”, said Haley, while emphasizing the role played by the neighbouring countries in the invasion plans: “ Time has arrived the countries in the region that suffer with the immigration ( … ) condemn Maduro and tell him to leave. When a region shuts up on what every single country does, then the international community does not intervene ( … ), when they condemn, the international community listens to it”.

The immigrants situation

Another factor that is grist in the mill of the USA plans is the dreadful situation of the thousands of immigrants who cross the country’s frontiers everyday, mostly with Colombia and Brasil.

Ellan Lustosa/AND
Imigrantes venezuelanos pedem emprego. Roraima, 2018 (foto: Ellan Lustosa/AND)

Over the last years, part of the Venezuelan population has made their way to the frontiers of Colombia and Brasil, trying to escape from the misery in their country or seeking refuge. In Brasil, the front door for the Venezuelans is Pacaraima, a town in the state of Roraima. Next, the immigrants go to the capital, Boa Vista, where the majority intends to head to Manaus and other places searching for life opportunities.

AND sent the photographer, Ellan Lustosa, to Boa Vista/Pacaraima and he has witnessed the extreme misery the Venezuelans live in Roraima. He has found difficulties for collecting information and restrictions for recording images in a free way from the Army militaries and UN Refugees Agency employees.

There is a certain facility to enter the country; the three barriers placed by the Army, Federal Police and Acnur on the road that crosses the frontier permit the entrance of the persons seeking refuge or the ones who request conditions for staying in the country, for work or holidays. The ones who do not fit in either those alternatives end up entering illegally by secondary barriers or through other towns that do not require any document or control.One believes that around 1.000 immigrants cross the Brazilian frontiers. An Army military affirmed that 700 Venezuelans arrive at the borders everyday and 400 are able to enter the country.

The Army is in charge of building refugee camps that are never enough, due to the huge daily amount of immigrants. Some camps do no accept single persons, only families. An Army military, commander of a refugee camp near a church in Boa Vista, has not permitted the presence of AND reporter; he affirmed that the regulations for the entrance in the camp are strict and the funds sent by UN are not enough for the demands. There are nowadays 10 camps in Roraima, all of them built with UN funds and run by the Army.

How the immigrants live

Large numbers of Venezuelans roam the streets, sleep under the marquees or camps in the squares. Many beg at the traffic-lights, display job seeking posters, young boys and girls prostitute themselves in a degrading environment. The demand for health, education and safety services by the immigrants overburdens the state structure and, instead of enlarging those services, the state and federal management close their eyes, denying the rights as much to the local people as to the Venezuelans.

– I met middle class people from Venezuela who used to pay their rent, settle their acounts; now they do not have a job and they do not have what to eat. They came to Brasil looking for work so that they could send money to their relatives in their country. They eat when the churches – that have been a great support for them – give them food. They distribute nourishment, a shower, general help. The camps reveal what is inside. A large number of persons live in the streets in a complete abandon. All over the city of Boa Vista one can see groups of Venezuelans begging or displaying poster for jobs. At the traffic lights there is a great concentration of persons cleaning cars’ windows or selling all sort of things. In the tents were I have been and could talk to many of them and what has called my attention is that the majority had a profession and a work in Venezuela. They were not ‘poor things’. When they were asked if staying in Venezuela would be better, where they still had a home and a family, the vast majority answered they preferred to try in Brasil since in their country there is no food and no job. So says Ellan Lustosa.

Another problem created by the abandon of the immigrants is the growing xenophobia. A parcel of the population of Boa Vista and Pacaraima is hostile to the Venezuleans: joking, cursing, discrimination, aggressions and even murders. More reactionary sectors accuse the immigrants for any crime that may occur. Going to the border in a taxi, Ellan observed:

The Brazilians that made me company to the frontier are prejudiced with the Venezuelans and there is an atmosphere of great indignation from the Brazilians to the Venezuelans. Xenophobia is very intense. There are jokes with derogatory meanings and nasty comments all the time.

With the blaming game from the Brazilian ‘authorities’, the state and federal managements try to escape from the responsibilities that approach a humanitarian tragedy.While the immigrants acummulate themselves in the streets of Boa Vista and Manaus, the so-called ‘interiorization’ led by the federal government has been occuring slowly calling more attention for the drama lived as much by the Venezuelans as by the Roraima people.

The state of Roraima governor, Suely Campos, signed on August 1st, a decree restricting the immigrants’ admission to public jobs, as health and education systems, only to those who possessed a validity passport; and determined  the deportation of those involved in crimes and placing the security forces in a state of readiness on the borders in a clear violation to elementar human principles and international treaties of which the old Brazilian State is a signatory.

In face of the challenge of the Federal Public Ministry, the federal judge, Helder Girão Barreto, has determined that the frontier would be closed temporarily, and would be re-open according to the interiorization of the immigrants by the federal government. He has suspended the demands for passports and the deportation determined by the federal decree, requiring, however, the vaccination of all Venezuelans who have been living in Roraima. The frontier was maintained close at least for one day when the Federal Regional Tribunal of the 1st Region ordered its opening.

This migratory question tends to be aggravated according to the deepening of the crisis in Venezuela and the humanitarian chaos resulting of the reception zones for the immigrants is one more ingredient in the Yankee plans for an aggression to Venezuela.

The Yankee ‘masterstroke’

There is a document dated February 23rd, 2018, classified as “ultra-secret’, from the USA Army South Command, with the title of “Plans to finish with the dictatorship in Venezuela: a Masterstroke”. It was signed by the general Kurt Walter Tidd, commander-in-chief of the South Command and it reveals how the Yankee imperialism has been working to resign Maduro from the government.

The document has 11 pages and establishes in details the internal performance for amplifying the disability of Maduro’s government to solve the economic and political problems.

Chaves’ Venezuelan dictatorship staggers as a result of the domestic problems, severe shortage of food, collapse of the external money sources and a rampant corruption that diminishes the international support earned with petro-dollars, the national currency value has a short life span and the purchasing power is falling constantly”.

That is why they intend:

To incentivate the people’s unsatisfaction, increasing the destabilization process and lack of food supplies [ to] guarantee the irreversible impairment of the present dictator.”

“To worsen to division among the members of the government group, revealing the differences of their life conditions and their followers and, at the same time, urging them to maintain these growing divergences”.

“To implement the internal instability towards critical levels, intensifying the country’s decapitalization, foreigner capital flight and the national currency deterioration with the implementing of new inflation measures to upgrade this deterioration.”

“To contribute to make the people’s situation even more critical”.

“To appeal to domestic allies as other people inserted in the national scenery, having in mind to generate protests, disorders and insecurity, plundering, lootings and robberies, assaults and boats’ kidnappings and other means of transport, aiming at cutting the country’s supplies through all borders and other possible manners, endangering the national security of their neighbours”.

However, the military hand comes through the next steps of the plan:

“To obtain the support and cooperation from the allied authorities of friendly countries – Brasil, Argentina, Colombia, Panama e Guiana. To organize the troops’ provisions, logistic and medical support from Panama. To make a good use of the eletronic surveillance installations and clever feedback signals; hospitals and existing installations in Darlen ( Panamanian jungle), drones equipment from Colombia Plan, lands from the former military bases in Howard and Albrook (Panama) as well as the one belonging to Rio Hato. Additionaly, from the  Humanitarian Regional Centre of UN, that has been projected for disaster situations and humanitarian emergencies that owns  a landing strip and warehouses”.

“To advance in the combat aircrafts and helicopters  parking places, armoured vehicles, intelligence posts and military units for special logistic ( police, military officials and prisons”.

“To develop the military operation under the international flag sponsored by the Latin-American Armies Conference, under the protection of OAS and the supervision, at the juridical and media context, of the OAS General Secretary, Luis Almagro”.

“To declare the need for the Continental Command to strengthen the action, using the instrument of the Interamerican Democratic Chapter, with the aim to avoid the democratic rupture”.

“Uniting Brasil, Argentina, Colombia and Panama in order to contribute for the appropriate number of troops, make use of its geographical  proximity and experience in operations in forests or jungles regions. Strengthening its international status with the presence of combat unities from the USA and above mentioned nations; under the general command of the Joint Sraff led by the USA”.

“Using the facilities of the Panamanian territorry as a rearguard an capabilities of Argentina for the security of its harbours and sea positions”.

“To propose to Brasil and the Guiana to make use of the migratory situation to be incentivate in the Guiana frontier”.

“To coordinate the support to Colombia, Brasil, Guiana, Aruba, Curaçao, Trinidad e Tobago and other States concerning the immigrant Venezuelan flow due to the crisis events”.

“To promote the international participation in such an effort as part of the Multilateral Operation with the States contribution, non-state organizations and international organisms for furnishing adequate logistic, intelligence, support, anticipating the more valuable points in Aruba, Puerto Carreño, Inirida, Maicao, Barranquilla and Sincelejo in Colombia, plus Roraima, Manaus and Boavista in Brasil”.

As AND has already denounced, the recent visits of the State Secretay and USA vice-president to Brasil, in June, have been dedicated to prepare an imperialist aggression to Venezuela to be acomplished by troops from the neighbour countries, as it has been declared in the plan.

The situation has received still graver outlines due to the massacre unleashed by Nicaragua government against their people, demanding from Ortega and his entourage to leave the government. Also in Nicaragua the Yankee imperialism feeds the aggression plans in face of the lack of people’s force able to lead the masses rebellion through the revolutionary path”.

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